you say you're tired and you just wanna close your eyes

Dec 06, 2012 12:28

I've been here since 7:45 and I am ready to faceplant. At least it's over and it went well. And I got a free bagel for breakfast and one for lunch. Also, free orange juice. Simple things.

I went to bed at a reasonable hour and even mostly slept, but ugh, I just want a nap right now.

Before I went to bed at a reasonable hour, though, I read this week's Hawkeye, which I enjoyed but I'm kind of disappointed the tape was a fake. (Otoh, if this actually had played out with Captain America, that would have been my first thought. That, or he'd been possessed by ultimate!Cap.) I'm amused at how they glossed over Kate finding the credit card. I still can't believe they went there.

I also finished Summerland by Michael Chabon last night. I really liked it. It didn't sink any emotional hooks into me, but it's a highly enjoyable read - it's like Narnia except with baseball instead of Christianity, and American instead of English, with some Norse mythology thrown in. Baseball is a game of narrative and it's well-suited to this kind of mythologizing, and Chabon's prose is glorious.

I also watched Arrow. I didn't feel like the actress who played Helena was up to the weight of the role, even by CW standards, and I was ready to completely break up with the show if they actually killed her, but since she's clearly riding off on a cross-country trip to Gotham, where she will become a schoolteacher, I guess I'm not too angry. Though it's bad enough when Batman gives her the speech about the difference between justice and vengeance and how killing is bad; coming from Ollie, who was a lot less discriminating about killing a few weeks ago, it's just bullshit.

I don't mind my heroes killing guys what need killing - I actually appreciate that in a superhero - but don't be holding others up to some standard you can't meet yourself.

Diggle is still the best.

Also, I was sad that Laurel and Helena didn't become friends. I want the show where Dinah, Helena, and Babs Felicity Smoak (yes, I did discover she's an actual comics character and not just a blonde riff on Oracle) train up Thea as Speedy. *hands* I mean, I'm enjoying Arrow for what it is, but let's be real.


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