blame me for the rocks and baby bones and broken lock

Nov 24, 2012 15:04

Bleh. I keep opening stories to work on and then there's solitaire and bubblespinner and tumblr, so no writing gets done. I think I've figured out my yuletide story, though. I just have to refresh the character voices in my head, and I've kind of been avoiding it for ~reasons~ (if I told you the reasons, you'd probably guess what the source was so).

I did read this week's comics:

Journey Into Mystery: It's Sif's book now, and I don't know if I'm going to continue with it, but it's so hard to tell from the first issue of an arc. I really hate serialized storytelling. Have I mentioned that in the past week?

Hawkeye: Even though I guessed it was Kate, I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE THEY WENT THERE SWEET JEBUS WHAT DID I READ? That's not going to be ETERNALLY AWKWARD or anything when Clint finds out. Also, I just... is it really THAT shocking that SHIELD authorizes assassinations? And that sometimes, the assassin is an Avenger? I mean, really? It's not like it was unsanctioned, unless I misunderstood. Though I suppose the press would have a field day. I guess not really reading the rest of the universe (and basically having my expectations adjusted by Nat and Bucky in Winter Soldier for spyjinks instead of superheroing), I'm sort of like, "I don't get why this is such a huge deal" but I guess I will accept that it is.

Ultimate Spider-man: Speaking of not reading the rest of the universe, I have no idea why Miles is involved with this or what even is going on and I guess I'm just going to have to continue in a state of mild confusion because you could not PAY me to read Ultimates or whatever it's called now. Marvel might think they can rehab Ultimate!Cap but I will never ever forgive him. The amazing thing about fictional characters is that we can hold grudges against them that we would have to get over against real people. And I will never ever ever forgive Ultimate Captain America for how he treated Peter Parker. And he can be as sweet as sugar to Miles - AS WELL HE SHOULD BE - and maybe Aunt May can slap him again, maybe once a day and twice on Sundays, but that will not change. I like a good redemption arc as much as the next person, but no. Not in this case (mostly because I still can't forgive that they made Steve into this raging bag of dicks in the first place; maybe if you hadn't mischaracterized him SO COMPLETELY, you wouldn't have to try to rehab him now.) I do want to know what Jessica's deal is, though. I mean, she's still Peter's clone, right?

Captain Marvel: MONICA RAMBEAU! ♥ I TOTALLY WANT CAROL AND MONICA TO HAVE BANTERY MAKEOUTS. Is anyone surprised? Ahem. "Please don't let Captain Whiz Bang become a thing now." HEE! SHARKS! And that Frank dude showing up to be the damsel in distress. I am loving this comic so much.

I haven't read - and don't plan to read - the new arc of Captain America, though having seen the relevant scans and Remender's response, even if I were, I probably wouldn't pay for them now. Aside from the easy sexism and the worn-out stereotype of Steve's father being an alcoholic (Irish, dontcha know; I roll my eyes forever), there are so many MORE INTERESTING ways to show how Sarah Rogers taught Steve to stand up and be a hero. Considering the era, maybe she could have been a UNION ORGANIZER. She could have been a SUFFRAGETTE. Certainly she must have stood up to prejudice as an immigrant and a single mother. From what I gather, nothing in Steve's history indicates that he was abused by his father or that he saw his mother be abused by him, even if he was a drunk. It just seems like an easy shortcut to... I don't even know what. Here's the thing - given Steve's history of being bullied as a sickly kid, they could have EASILY had his mother be the one to stand up to some kid's father about it and have that be the lesson, or as I said, have her have some kind of SOCIAL ACTIVISM going on, because come the fuck on, that would be a BEAUTIFUL backstory for Captain America.

Anyway, given how Remender responded to people on Twitter, I'm adding him to my list of jerk comics writers. (It is an unfortunately long list.) And it's not like I write that much comics-based fic in the Marvelverse anyway (though I do still have a couple of stories in the WIP folder). Though let's be real, comics is the first fandom ever where I don't privilege the source material over fanworks, because in the end, all comics are is sanctioned fanworks. (Though given how some of these writers trash the characters they're writing, or fail to know even the basics of their histories [Lobdell, I'm looking at you], I don't even know if they are fans.) And why should I have to deal with their mess when I can say, "this is set during THIS TIME and ignores reboots, crises, character assassinations, and transformations into tentacle monsters."



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comics: captain marvel, comics: hawkeye, comics: journey into mystery, comics: ultimate spider-man, ultimate cap is vile and i hate him, comics: captain america, comics, writing is hard!

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