dickey the first knuckleballer to win a cy young

Nov 14, 2012 19:31

R.A. Dickey wins the 2012 NL Cy Young!


He won, like, the only 20 games the Mets won this season. (I'm joking. They won at least 30.) He's also the first knuckleballer to ever win it.

I watched him on SNY and he just said all the right things about being a Met and wanting to stay a Met. ♥

Which is a great way to cap off this day because oy, work. And the office internet was completely down for most of the day again. Ugh. I did manage to get a couple of work-related websites to load eventually so I could do some actual work, but it's a good thing I can get my gmail on my phone or I would not have been handling disconnected life very well. But it means I'm getting behind on answering comments, which makes me unhappy and anxious. This weekend, maybe, I will try to catch up.

I was home sick yesterday, mostly because my voice was shot and I couldn't stop coughing (I woke myself up at 5:30 yesterday morning because of coughing) so I ended up writing a story:

7A WF 83429 (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Darcy; adult; contains: sex pollen and its attending consent issues; 3,245 words
In the box where it says, "If you do not have a significant other at the time of the biochemical event, to whom do you grant consent to have sex with you should circumstances require it?" Darcy writes, "Captain America." Because that's a thing that's ever going to happen.

I had this idea the other night while wacked out on NyQuil and then I forgot about it, and then the night after that, once I'd taken the NyQuil again and gotten into bed, I was like, "Wait, didn't I have a story idea?" and that story idea was basically the summary as you see it. It amused me tremendously to think about and to write, so I'm glad other people are enjoying it. Thank you. <3

And I can finally cross that damn title off the West Wing episode list. Woo!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/518532.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, sports, genghis khan could bring it on, the futility of being a mets fan

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