The West Wing Title Project Index

Dec 24, 2007 11:20

The West Wing Title Project Index

Firefly; River; g; 138 words
Flying is like dancing.

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
Under the Red Hood; Dick/Jason; pg; 1,820 words
In which Dick convinces Jason to give up killing people through the power of hugs. No, seriously.

A Proportional Response
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 4.03; pg; 1,670 words
Sam's a lying lieface who lies. Dean's not having with that.

The Bionic Woman; Sarah/Jaime; adult; 511 words
Jaime likes to pretend they're not the same.

The Short List
Supernatural; Jess/girl!Sam; au; pg; 1,092 words
Five things Jess knows about Sam.

In Excelsis Deo
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers for 3.08; 1410 words
Nothing says love like a fleecy hoodie.

He Shall, from Time to Time...
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 5x05; pg; 2,530 words
In which Sam closes the (imaginary) door, but later opens it.

Take This Sabbath Day (@ AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; pg; 1,480 words
Sundays are theirs to do as they please.

Celestial Navigation
Star Wars; Finn/Rey, Anakin; pg; 23,315 words
Finn and Rey's epic space road trip adventure, featuring pirates, kittens, and the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker.

Six Meetings Before Lunch (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve & Thor; g; 4,120 words
Six times Steve and Thor hang out.

Mandatory Minimums (at AO3)
DCU; Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown (Damian/Steph); pg; 1,235 words
Damian doesn't think about sex.

What Kind of Day Has It Been?
Supernatural/The Muppets; Sam, Dean, Kermit, ensemble; pg; 3,300 words
Dean thinks this is the strangest job they've ever worked.

In the Shadow of Two Gunmen (at AO3)
DCU/MCU; Jason, Natasha, Steve, various members of the Batfamily; AU; pg; 12,330 words
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Department X was dissolved and their inventory was liquidated. The League of Assassins acquired certain assets.

And It's Surely to Their Credit (The Five-by-Five Friendship Remix)
Star Trex XI; Uhura & Kirk; g; 1,365 words
Nyota is surprised to learn that she and James Kirk have a number of things in common.

The Lame Duck Congress
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 800 words
Dean hates downtime.

Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; pg; 521 words
"Come back to bed, Sirius. I'm too old and decrepit to be rolling about on the floor."

The Leadership Breakfast (at AO3)
Captain America (2011); Steve/Bucky, Darcy; pg; 4,015 words
Steve likes Bucky more than pancakes.

The Drop In (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; 2,390 words
Steve knows better than to walk into a room without knocking, but the door was unlocked.

The War at Home (at AO3)
Star Wars; Leia, Anakin; g; major spoilers for TFA; 1,485 words
He's been there for all her other losses, so it feels right for him to be here for this one, too.

Supernatural; Ellen; pg; 355 words
"I'm not a little kid anymore, Mom. My name is Ellen."

Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers through Jus in Bello; 5,625 words
"Five dead homeless guys? This is your case? It doesn't exactly scream demonic possession."

18th and Potomac
Supernatural/The Wire; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 4.21 for SPN and the series finale for The Wire; pg; 2,727 words
"It gets easier, you know. It never goes away, but it does fade into the background eventually."

Ways and Means (@ AO3)
DCU; Bruce/Steph; adult; contains: teacher/student roleplay, spanking; 1,085 words
In which Bruce is the stern headmaster and Steph is a naughty schoolgirl.

On the Day Before (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Vader, Leia; AU; g; 905 words
Darth Vader eavesdrops on a very interesting conversation.

War Crimes
Battlestar Galactica; Kara/Kendra; adult; spoilers through Razor; 812 words
"You keep my secret, sir, I'll keep yours."

Gone Quiet
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; pg; 1204 words
Three times Steve and Bucky comforted/quieted each other.

The Women of Qumar
Firefly; Inara/Nandi; adult; 505 words
Nandi was the first person Inara loved.

100,000 Airplanes
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 1,700 words
"According to Japanese folklore, a person who folds a thousand cranes will have their wish granted."

Dark Angel; Max/Alec; adult; 3,530 words
In which Alec puts his money where his mouth is. So to speak.

We Killed Yamamoto
Supernatural; Sam/Dean; spoilers through Lucifer Rising; pg; 1,775 words
"I got your message."

20 Hours in America
Supernatural; Dean/Sam; adult; spoilers through the end of season 2; 3,408 words
An hour at a time, for each hour Dean has left.

Process Stories
Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Sam/Buffy; pg; 2,082 words
"You've been holding back," Buffy says. "That's okay, though. So've I."

Swiss Diplomacy
The Catcher in the Rye; Phoebe/Holden; pg-13; 1,940 words
It's Holden, and he's always tried to look out for her in his way.

Arctic Radar
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 990 words
Sam knew there were lots of things he still didn't know about Dean. The past two and half years had been full of startling revelations, and this was possibly the most startling of all.

Holy Night
Firefly; Mal and Zoe; gen; 950 words
Zoe's not sure what she has anymore.

Red Haven's on Fire
Supernatural; Dean/Sam; adult; 1,800 words
The way Dean figures it, everybody lost something, and some people lost everything, but he's still got all he needs right here.

Angel Maintenance
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 1,018 words
"Your shadow," Sam says, pointing. "It's come loose."

Evidence of Things Not Seen (at AO3)
Star Wars; Darth Vader; g; 845 words
This is one secret Vader will try to take to his grave.

Life on Mars
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 4,785 words
Sam finds that without hunting, without television, the internet, or saving the world, he's got a lot of time on his hands.

Commencement (at AO3)
The Dark Knight Rises; John Blake, Lucius Fox; pg; spoilers; 1,195 words
He's not the Batman, not yet. But he's learning.

7A WF 83429 (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Darcy; adult; contains: sex pollen and its attending consent issues; 3,245 words
In the box where it says, "If you do not have a significant other at the time of the biochemical event, to whom do you grant consent to have sex with you should circumstances require it?" Darcy writes, "Captain America." Because that's a thing that's ever going to happen.

Jefferson Lives
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 440 words; coda for "The Kids Are Alright"
"You'd be a great dad."

Supernatural; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 5.01; warning policy; pg; 945 words
The distance between your bed and Dean's is roughly eighteen inches.

Disaster Relief
Supernatural; Bobby, various; pg; spoilers through 5.14; 3,865 words
The world is ending, but until the final confrontation comes, there are battles to be fought all over, every hunter now a soldier, and every town a front.

Separation of Powers
Supernatural/Lucifer; Sam, Ruby, Lucifer, Mazikeen; pg; spoilers for everything; 1,270 words
"I was like you once. Angry, proud, defiant. Sure that I knew best for everyone."

Homicide: Life on the Street; Kay Howard; pg; 320 words
"Is that all you got?"

Abu el Banat
Friday Night Lights; Eric, Julie; g; 380 words
Eric was never disappointed that Julie wasn't a boy.

The Stormy Present
Supernatural/Battlestar Galactica; Dean/Kara; adult; vague spoilers through all aired eps of both series; 7,620 words
Kara's a pilot, and Dean hates flying.

The Benign Prerogative
Supernatural; Sam/Jess/Dean; adult; au; 930 words
Watching's not bad, but Dean's always been a doer.

Slow News Day
Sports Night; Dan/Dana/Casey; adult; 1,015 words
They all know it's a mistake, but where Dan is expecting awkwardness in the morning, there's just them.

An Khe
Firefly; River; 670 words
"No, meimei, it's time to wake up."

Full Disclosure
Supernatural; Dean/girl!Sam; au; adult; 6,868 words
"Johnny," she says, "this is your dad."

Supernatural; Sam and Dean; gen; 200 words
In which Dean's latest prank backfires.

Talking Points
Star Wars; Luke, Rey; g; 2,005 words
Rey knows there's a connection between them--something more than the Force, more than destiny.

No Exit (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Darth Vader/Ahsoka Tano; adult; 2,525 words
Ahsoka promised not to leave him again and Vader was going to hold her to it. (Contains nonconsensual and highly dubiously consensual sex, inappropriate uses of the Force, and nonconsensual breathplay (i.e., Force choking).)

Alexander/Hephaistion; pg; 400 words
Gaza is different.

Memorial Day (@ AO3)
Captain America (2011); Steve, Gabe Jones; gen; 1,175 words
On his first Memorial Day out of the ice, Steve goes to Arlington.

The Birnam Wood
The Sarah Connor Chronicles; Derek/Cameron; pg; 400 words
Derek never forgets that Cameron is not a real girl.

Third-Day Story
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers through "Fresh Blood;" 2,520 words
"Last night, you had a bullet wound you could keep spare change in, and this morning, it's all healed up except for an interesting scar."

The Office; Jim/Pam; pg; 825 words
Jim and Pam's first date.

The Hubbert Peak
Dark Angel; Max/Alec; adult; 3,450 words
He pretends it's not just biology fucking them both.

A Change Is Gonna Come
Harry Potter; James/Lily; g; 100 words
After being sick four mornings in a row, Lily starts counting.

The Dover Test
Supernatural; Dean/Risa; adult; spoilers through 5.04; 1,606 words
If she doesn't laugh, she'll cry.

In the Room
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; pg; 915 words
Sirius is moving in. Remus just doesn't know it yet.

Impact Winter (at AO3)
Captain America (movieverse); Steve, Natasha, Bucky; pg; 3,150 words
"We've had eyes out for this operative for years now. I don't think most of us believed he actually existed, but we've finally got proof."

Faith Based Initiative
Firefly; Mal, ensemble; pg; 2,635 words
"Out of all the passengers Kaylee could've signed on, why'd she gotta pick nuns? Ain't it bad enough she saddled me with a shepherd?"

Opposition Research
Supernatural; Dean/Bela; adult; 1,080 words
"You know, when this is over, we should really have some angry sex."

365 Days (Seasons of Love Remix)
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; adult; 2,745 words
There's always a price to pay when dealing with faerie.

The Wake Up Call (@ AO3)
Push; Nick/Cassie; adult; 2,375 words
Nick knows he needs Cassie--loves her--more than anything or anyone else in the world. But it's not until this moment that he recognizes that he wants her.

Lord of the Rings; Eowyn; AU; 535 words
There is peace in Middle-earth now, the Peace of Eowyn, Queen of Rohan.

Drought Conditions
Star Wars; Anakin/Ahsoka (Anakin/Padmé, Anakin/Obi-Wan); AU; adult; 7,170 words
Being with Ahsoka again felt like that first sip of water after he'd been out in the desert too long.

A Good Day
various fandoms; various pairings; pg; 2,270 words
Five ficlets on the theme of fireworks.

Things Fall Apart
Supernatural; Sam/Jo, Sam/Jo/Dean, Sam/Dean; adult; spoilers for "No Rest for the Wicked;" 2,225 words
Jo feels like a ghost in her own life, an intruder in theirs.

The Mommy Problem
Friday Night Lights; Tami Taylor; spoilers through "I Can't"; pg; warning: discussion of abortion; 378 words
Tami knows how to handle this.

Here Today
Friday Night Lights; Julie/Tyra; pg-13; vague spoilers through "There Goes the Neighborhood;" 605 words
"Boys are stupid."

The Wedding
The West Wing; Josh/Donna; pg; 390 words
"You do look good in a tux. And I looked fantastic in my dress."

Running Mates
Dark Angel; Max/Alec; pg; 715 words
A fine, revved up sister like Max needs a little excitement sometimes.

Internal Displacement (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; pg; 3,830 words
Bucky can't imagine choosing anyone but Steve, time and time again.

The Cold
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; 1,970 words
In which Dean is sick and miserable, and Sam takes care of him.

Two Weeks Out
Supernatural; Sam, Dr. Lee (from Croatoan); pg; spoilers through 5.19; 1,912 words
"The virus is coming in less than two weeks, and I'm the only one who can stop it. And I thought, I hoped you'd be able to help."

Welcome to Wherever You Are (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky, Natasha, Darcy, Tony; adult; 21,000 words
Steve reaches out and hooks his fingers around Bucky's, holding on the way he didn't--couldn't--all those years ago.

Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers through 4.14; 2,065 words
While hunting a gorgon, Sam and Dean find something else altogether.

Transition (@ AO3)
Teen Wolf; Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa McCall; g; 1,555 words
He hadn't thought of his weekly dinners with Melissa as dates. At least, not until now.

The Last Hurrah
The West Wing; CJ/Toby; pg; 555 words
Toby has a thing for lost causes.

Institutional Memory
The West Wing; Josh/Donna; g; 808 words
"I'm the Chief of Staff, Donna. I don't fetch your coffee." "Yeah, you do."

Harry Potter; Sirius/Remus; g; 203 words
Remus's lips taste of apples, of cinnamon and nutmeg, when Sirius kisses him.


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