she'll walk a thunderbird like she's standing still

Sep 27, 2012 11:33

[apparently automatic crossposting from Dreamwidth is broken? so I'm manually crossposting this. if it shows up again, I'll just delete the later version. sorry for the screwy cut tags!]

I am shocked - shocked! - to find out that gambling is going on here! I mean, that the NFL caved and settled with the locked out refs after Monday night's debacle. (There is a lot more to unpack here, about how suddenly the conservatives are pro-labor when it comes to football but those striking teachers are greedy assholes, because football trumps education; about how Goodell has other problems that can't be ignored now that the dog and pony show of the replacement refs is over; about how paying the refs is chump change to the NFL but those defined benefit plans for union employees in other industries are in deep, deep financial trouble, but I am not going to do any of that. I'm just going to comment glibly and move on.)


If I could vid, there would be an Iron Man vid to "Little Deuce Coupe." I'm just saying. The song's only 1:40 long. Someone should get on that.


I finished Midnight Riot aka Rivers of London yesterday evening and I really liked it. Smart, funny, engaging, fast-paced. All of those things, yeah. Good sense of place, too. I got the sense that Aaronovitch has spent a lot of time living in London, if he doesn't live there now. I really hope Leslie comes back to kick ass, because she deserves better than having her face fall off and then to lose everything because of Peter. (well, because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but yeah.) Now, the second book!

Speaking of sequels, the next Percy Jackson book comes out on Tuesday. I am excite! Maybe I'll give the first two books a reread this weekend.

And then the week after, The FitzOsbornes at War finally comes out here! ♥

(Also, if anyone has an electronic copy of Quintana of Charyn they could share, it'd be most appreciated. *cough* I have preordered it, so it's not like I'm not going to pay for it when it comes out here. I just don't want to have to wait until MARCH if I don't have to.)

Also, returning this weekend, Young Justice! ♥JASON♥ I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO ACTUALLY GIVE ME THAT. WOW. He got his memorial statue (or hologram, whatever), just like he wanted. Precious baby. BEING ROBIN GIVES HIM MAGIC. *sniffle* I wonder if they're planning to bring him back. I wonder if Steph and Cass are going to appear at some point. I wonder how separate the animated division is from the print arm, so that Didio et al. can't fuck this up, too. I hope! I didn't actually watch the trailer, just looked at the stills, so I'm not particularly spoiled for the plot, but. I am excited!

Which is as good a segue as any into this week's comics, I suppose.

+ Captain Marvel - Peru, huh? That torpedoes the story I was going to write about Carol meeting Steve during WWII, but now she's with Helen Cobb! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. I hate waiting!

+ Journey Into Mystery - whew, okay, so kid!Loki sent Thor to Hela on purpose to give him an army of the dead against Surtur and Loki got himself sent into the past again to save Leah. I like this, because as much as it's believable that Loki was just betraying everyone yet again, I didn't want to believe it, and now if they really are giving him a book with Billy Kaplan, it will likely be as an ally, or maybe a frenemy, rather than a villain. I hope. (I still hope - in vain so far - that Eli will show up somewhere. And I'm still pretending Rikki isn't dead, because what the fuck?) Now I just have to remember to get the next issue of Thor so I can find out what happens next.

+ Winter Soldier - So that was mostly setup, though I do enjoy Clint and Bucky bantering, especially when they're not doing hilariously stupid alpha male posturing. So if Clint and Bucky are off doing stuff, does this mean Logan and Steve are hanging out? because that is also a recipe for hilarity, and I'm sad not to see it. Anyway, I'm glad there weren't any more emotional gutpunches, because I was reading it on the subway and I hate crying on the train.

I think that's everything? For now, anyway.


comics: captain marvel, sports, comics: journey into mystery, books, tv: young justice, comics: winter soldier, you should totally write that

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