i will unsettle the ground beneath you

Sep 22, 2012 20:20

Still feeling crappy. Also discovered the cap for my hot water bottle is missing, so no cuddling with the hot water bottle today. Maybe tomorrow I'll see if CVS has a new one. today, a pillow had to suffice.

In the meantime, I picked up a Western Digital My Passport Studio (not on display at Best Buy, but they had one in the back), as some cursory research showed it had good reviews, and I purchased Data Rescue 3, which appears to have recovered most of my files. The music was especially important, because not only did I have my iTunes library on the external hd, I had the back up music files on there as well, and both sets of files were messed up. Those files were recovered with their names, thank goodness. I still have to point iTunes at that location, but it should all work out. I hope. All the avi and doc files just have numerical file names atm, so there is going to be a lot of opening and renaming going on in the next few weeks, I guess.

So far I really like the passport studio. It's 1TB but it doesn't need to be plugged into an outlet, and it's tiny, even compared to my old 150GB passport. I'm also going to go through the corrupt hd and see what didn't get messed up and try to save it, but I will be glad to see the back of it. It's been troublesome for a while.

Have any of you used iBackup? The IT guy at work suggested it, and my dad was all, "You should have some offsite backup!" so I'm thinking about it. Any advice pro or con? Other suggestions?

Technology, why you gotta do me like this? I just wanna love you, baby, but you keep treating me bad!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/503116.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, my flist knows everything, my life so hard

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