and i used to die every night, all in your honor

Sep 19, 2012 17:12

laurificus and I were talking (mostly about anachronisms in fic) and she said something along the lines of, "you should write a modern day Achilles/Patroclus story," and I was like, "Steve/Bucky basically IS a modern Achilles/Patroclus story! With bonus resurrections! Bucky even picks up Steve's shield (i.e., puts on his armor), before he dies!"

Also - I didn't mention this in the conversation - but in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Steve even takes a trip to the underworld (or Niflheim, which is close enough, right?) and asks after Bucky while he's there. Steve is Achilles if Achilles wasn't an asshole (I mean, I love Achilles? But he's kind of a huge brat).

And she was like, "you know, if I didn't already know why you ship them, that would totally explain it." And I was like, "SERIOUSLY. I mean it's not like they are a ton of my bulletproof kinks all rolled into one pairing or anything: BFF, insults as endearments, banter, PARTNERS!, long separation caused by outside forces that culminates in reunionating+, the fact that when they do finally have a reunion, they end up working together fairly seamlessly despite the long separation++; potential for mutual oblivious pining..."

Let's be real here, as soon as they had that whole "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." / "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." / "Jerk." / "Punk." conversation, I was a goner. It was probably earlier than that? but that sealed the deal.

I am trying to keep my excitement about the movie in check, because they don't even have a script yet (it doesn't even start filming until March!) and there are so many ways they could screw it up, but oh, man, I'm so thrilled they're doing it and not waiting for a third movie, which is what I expected they would do. Also, SAM! ♥ Now if they would just confirm Natasha will be in it+++, that would basically be everything I want.

+ there better be hugging in the movie, or I might have to write a sternly worded letter to Marvel; they don't need to replicate the comics version of the story that closely, is what I'm saying

++ à la, "Together?" "I think so." *sob*

+++ I'd prefer that they leave Sharon out altogether and just slot Natasha into her place in the story, but I know they're casting her, so I'll just focus on the part where at least they won't be doing all the parts of her storyline that I loathe with a fiery vengeance.


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bucky barnes has a robot arm, this is captain america calling, otp/shipping

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