everything will turn out all right

Aug 25, 2012 22:30

a list
by victoria p.

= RIP Neil Armstrong.

= Watching The Mummy was totally a great choice. I might watch something else tonight. I love this Amazon streaming video app for the iPad. So convenient. And the whole part where having Amazon Prime means some stuff is free. Free is right in my price range.

= I have been totally remiss in linking the lovely art shaishda made for The Weather Inside: Dick/Jason, nsfw.

lavenderfrost and
dr_fumbles_mcstupid recorded Brush Up Your Shakespeare, my remix about River and Wash and Shakespeare. \o/

= I found a stash of chocolate I'd forgotten about. \o/

= I think I've figured out why Steve and Natasha are undercover married, which means I can write the story now. I hope. I mean, is anything better than STEVE/NATASHA UNDERCOVER MARRIED? I THINK NOT. Now I just need to write it. #otp: it'll be fun


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people have commented there.

flove, fanart, podfic

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