I enjoyed this week's White Collar, though the only thing I have to say about it is
I was sad their Agent 355 wasn't actually 355 from Y: The Last Man. But that was a fun episode.
I liked this week's Suits, but really, Mike is such a douche and he needs to be punched in the face a lot. He wasn't even amusing this week.
I also thought they wrapped up the big plot way too quickly. I'm glad that it turned out not to be actual evidence that Donna shredded, and I'm going to just forget about that. Midway through, I was hoping Jessica and Harvey would leave and start up their own firm. Mostly I enjoyed Harvey being high and laughing and then Jessica being like, "That time we did it was different." <3 And I liked that Louis finally voted the right way, though I'd hoped he hadn't actually voted for Hardman when push came to shove. But it was in his character to do so, so it doesn't bother me that way. I just hoped for better from him. Also, "You don't understand, Harvey and I are like this. *entwined hands*" I'm glad Rachel saw Mike is a douche and I hope she realizes she can do way better.
I seriously need an icon. Something with Harvey on it. And Donna. Or Jessica.
Alyssa and I were talking about comics and she said she is mostly interested in Thor, so I told her to read the kid!Loki arc of Journey Into Mystery, and the most recent volume of Mighty Thor, but does anyone have recs for something that is finished and self-contained?
In other news, my dad is doing well - he was up and lucid this morning and we saw him and then they moved him out of surgical ICU to a regular room. We're hoping he comes home tomorrow though given that he's not really walking around on his own yet, that's probably not going to happen.
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