i shop to win

Aug 05, 2012 23:55


Leverage was adorable tonight. Parker and Hardison as MIB. Parker and Eliot and Parker's ET obsession. Hardison and Eliot being ridiculous together. Hardison giving Eliot the alias Will Riker in an episode directed by Jonathan Frakes. <3 <3 <3


Political Animals: Okay, while that was pretty cliched, it still worked, because Sebastian Stan sells TJ, and he is heartbreaking. And of course, they played "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," which always makes me cry anyway. Oh, TJ, I just want you to be okay! (Though I'd really have preferred if the gay son had been put together and the straight son were a mess.) I'm glad they didn't kill him, because that's the ultimate cliche for a gay character. I want to see him get his shit together.


I caught up to the last episode of Suits, which I'm watching again right now. How is Harvey so attractive? I mean, it's not just that he's good-looking, though he is, but he is ridiculously, stupidly attractive. Maybe because he admits that he's a jerk? I don't know, but it is kind of mesmerizing to watch. Also, because I'm me, I am totally shipping him with Donna. Well, and Jessica. But brilliant narcissist boss/long-suffering awesome assistant is kind of a bulletproof dynamic for me (Josh/Donna, Tony/Pepper) so there was really no way I wasn't going to end up shipping it. Also, because I really don't like Mike, I have no desire to ship him with Harvey, though I understand why it's the main pairing in the fandom.

What I really want is the story where Harvey and Donna had a one night stand back in the day, and decided not to risk their working relationship to have a romantic relationship but they are still in love with each other and it makes everything really fraught.

Anyway, so I'm rewatching this episode and I legit teared up when Louis was going after Donna about whether she loved Harvey, and if she did love him just as a friend, it wouldn't be a big deal to say yes. And then Louis letting Harvey have it afterwards, because he was right - he did it to help Harvey and Harvey's the one who put them in the jackpot (well, Donna, also, but it's Tanner's hate on for Harvey that put them in this position. Also, watching Mike get sanctimonious with Donna was infuriating. Because you are so much worse, Mike. SO MUCH WORSE.).

I also like that they showed how Harvey does have integrity and does care even though he is a dick and people have good reason for disliking him. And also how Jessica is the MOST AWESOME.


Tomorrow is the last day of my five-day weekend and I have done nothing I planned to do. All I've done is sit around on the couch and watch tv and attempt to write. Right now I am avoiding writing an action scene and revising a sex scene - my two least favorite writing things to do. Story's up to 17,400 words after getting it back from beta. I don't even know.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/489845.html.
people have commented there.

tv: leverage, tv: suits, tv: political animals

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