you said it feels good, I said I'll give it a try

Jul 08, 2012 09:01

Ugh, I hate when my period won't let me sleep.

I mean, it's nice to be up early except for how I am too tired to actually manage to do productive things. Ugh. I just spent more time than I'd like to admit organizing my tumblr queue.

I was up late last night, but I did not write as I had hoped to. Instead, I found myself all caught up with Journey into Mystery.

I highly, highly recommend it. I don't really care much about movie!Loki, but the Loki in Journey into Mystery, who has died and been reborn as a young teenager, who really seems to want to do the right thing (as long as it doesn't get him killed) and who clearly loves Thor the most - this is a Loki I want to spend time with. Along with his companion, Leah, a handmaiden of Hel, who maybe doesn't hate him quite as much as she says she does (but probably does still hate him a lot), Thori, the talking hellhound puppy, and Ikol, the raven who is the echo of Loki's past, adult self.

There is a lot of meta, and a lot of humor, and a lot of pop culture references, so if those things bug you, this might not be the series for you, but kid!Loki is believable a kid - he's obsessed with his Starkphone and the internet (he has a Tumblr, you guys - now I want to know if there is someone out there tumblring as kid!Loki) and milkshakes and he thinks Thor is the best.

This is the first book by Marvel that I've read that reminds me of Sandman and Lucifer (especially Lucifer) and that seems to me to be deliberate - there are some super-obvious Sandman references (the whole council of Fears business - Nightmare is drawn to look a lot like Morpheus!Dream, which is only the most obvious, along with some references to how they are endless and there are 7 of them) but they only make things more enjoyable, imo.

It's clever and occasionally sweet and occasionally gross and really, Loki is adorably lovable, and if I feel that way, people who already love Loki are probably consumed with uncontainable feels for this version of him.

marks made a post recently with scans that will sell you on it more than my rambling, but suffice it to say, last night, I actually just bought the most recent two issues because I couldn't be bothered with trying to track down a viable download and I needed to know what was happening!

Speaking of what was happening, one thing they never explained (or I missed somewhere in a crossover I didn't read) is how Thor comes back. One minute, he's dead, the next, he's a mechanic in San Francisco. I would have liked to have seen the Loki-Thor reunion is all, so if anyone knows if there is an on-the-page Thor-kid!Loki reunion, can you let me know where it is?

Sigh. I guess I should get dressed now and go grocery shopping.


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