i'm potent, baby, i'm potent

Jul 06, 2012 10:41

Woo! It's Friday. Wednesday felt so much like Sunday that I was like, 'Wah, I can't believe tomorrow's Monday' but it wasn't! I like this holiday in the middle of the week business sometimes.


Here's another in a long string of "you should totally write/vid that" ideas:

Steve/Peggy to "All That Heaven Will Allow." It's a little on the nose (I can't be late / I got a date) but I think we'd all be crying so much it wouldn't matter.


In other news, I finally actually read Black Widow: The Name of the Rose last night - having seen many of the panels from it on tumblr, it felt like I'd already read it, but it was nice to put it all in context, though regardless of context, the scene of Natasha scolding Bucky and Logan for coming in after her and them responding with But Logan had to pee will never not be hilarious. (Though I still can't wrap my head around Logan calling Bucky "James." That's just wrong. I feel like only Natasha, and maybe Pepper, should call him that.) It's also the book that has that wonderful scene where Bucky's like, "let me help you!" and Natasha calls him a good man, and he demurs: Natasha: You're a good man. Bucky: Not really, no. But you're the only one who understands that.* Which is why my tumblr tag for them is #otp: you're the only one who understands.

*I feel like this says volumes about how Steve sees Bucky, and how Bucky feels about it, but this is not the post to unpack that.

Anyway, it was pretty fantastic - Natasha at her best, dealing with the way people perceive her and her past and how that works for her and against her. And it has this scene that is an amazing inversion of all the awful tropes about women in comics - Natasha is literally tied up naked in a meat locker, and yet she is the one in control the situation - she arranged things so she would be captured and put there (well, I don't think she knew she was going to be in a meat locker, but I'm sure Marjorie Liu was very well aware of the Women in Refrigerators problem comics has, so of course that's where the scene is set) so she could find out the last thing she needs to know to defeat the bad guy. Fuck Yeah Black Widow on tumblr has a great essay about the scene here: Natasha walks out of a refrigerator (so there are spoilers in the link, as well as scans of the panels discussed).

Now I'm reading the kid!Loki arc of Journey Into Mystery, which I'm enjoying so far.

Yesterday, I also read Team Human by Sarah Rees Brennan and Justine Larbalestier, which I enjoyed. It's a light, fast read, and given my feelings on vampires (I don't like 'em), I really enjoyed that the sensible best friend was the narrator here, and that she was as horrified as I was by the choices Cathy was making. Mel, the narrator, finally accepts that Cathy gets to make her own choices, even when Mel doesn't agree or approve, and she has to face her own prejudices against vampires, and her struggle with that felt true to me. The mystery was well handled - not too predictable but not completely unpredictable. I knew Mel wasn't right in her speculations, but I wasn't exactly right in mine either, which I enjoy in a book. So yeah, it's a good fun beach or plane read for the summer.

The one thing I dislike about reading books on the iPad is that I can't share them. (or, I suppose I could, if I knew how to break the DRM. But I don't. *cough* Not that I would do that if I did. *cough*)

In other news, even though my original plans for the Fourth fell through, I still made the frozen cappuccino cups on Wednesday morning, since I was awake at (ugh) 5:30 and had the time. I made mocha ice cream instead of straight up coffee, and the cinnamon and nutmeg really do punch it up (though as always, I feel like even the tiniest pinch of nutmeg overpowers everything, so I may just skip that next time and stick with the cinnamon), and because I don't have a food processor, I basically crushed some Oreos in a ziplock bag with a rolling pin, which mostly worked out well, though because of the filling, a lot of the crumbs stuck to the sides of the bag so I had to scrape it down with a spoon. Worth it, though, because these are mighty tasty and fun to eat.

Since the new LJ scrapbook is baffling me in terms of getting the links to pics, I just uploaded to tumblr last night, so you can see them here.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/481211.html.
people have commented there.

comics: journey into mystery, books, this is captain america calling, recipes, comics: black widow: name of the rose, adventures in cooking, black widow appreciation life, you should totally write that

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