I've tried to do all those things the best I can

Jun 30, 2012 13:50

Sigh. I wish there were a tumblr savior for the WHOLE INTERNET. Think of how much better life would be!


bethbethbeth asked what's your fannish type? and on the one hand, I find it really easy to answer - the geeky sidekick (Ron, Xander), the geeky sidekick who becomes the hero (Wendy Watson, Peter Parker, Jaime Reyes - you would think I could put Tony Stark here, but...for me Tony is mostly enjoyable because of Pepper; Tony without Pepper is not someone who interests me all that much), the non-powered one in a group of superpowered people (Xander, Sokka - and you'd think Batman would be here, but not so much), but it's also for me so much about the character dynamics with most of them - would I like Xander so much without Buffy and Willow, Ron without Harry and Hermione? I need them in tandem - Mulder and Scully (and let's be real, more Scully than Mulder). Steve and Bucky. Sirius and Remus. Sam and Dean.

But that makes me think of the individual characters who generally don't fit the geeky sidekick/BFF role on their own: Dean. Mal. Cordelia. Faith. Helena Bertinelli. Kate Bishop. Jason. (I think Dick and Steph fit the geeky sidekick who becomes a hero role, but not as much as Tim, and yet I don't love Tim as much as I love Dick and Steph and Jason. *hands* I love Tim more in the context of Tim and Kon [and Bart and Cassie] or Tim and Steph or Tim and Tam).

I wasn't sure how Steve, who appears to be my OTC in Avengers, fit in here, though I guess because in some ways he's the ultimate plucky sidekick who becomes a hero - who MAKES himself a hero (though if you'd asked Bucky, he'd have said Steve was always the hero, the world just didn't know it yet. (Movieverse, obviously), so I guess he does fit. Because I love Steve on his own in addition to loving him with Bucky or Peggy or Natasha etc.

And also for me how important a relationship dynamic is for me to enjoy a character - I most enjoy Batman when he's being needled by someone else (and oh, the list is endless - Alfred, Dick, Clark, Diana, Selina, Lois, Barbara, Ollie, Steph); Batman on his own is tiresome. Or, as above, I tried to interest myself in Tony's myriad daddy issues, but couldn't manage it. However, put him with Pepper or Rhodey or Bruce and suddenly my interest sparks. And I don't even mean in a shippy way but in an, okay, I want to know more about how this person acts when they have to deal with this other person. Which can be shippy or just friendshippy.

I don't generally go for outright villains, though I enjoy a good bad guy, especially one who is competent and self-aware (Azula; Magneto; Deathstroke; Lex Luthor in some cases), but I obviously really like antiheroes - Mal, Faith, Jason.

I don't know - I feel the same way about shipping - I can obviously pinpoint the fact that I like BFF ships (my first slash pairing - when I was 9 and didn't know what slash was - was Legolas/Gimli) and also bickery het couples (see Han/Leia, on whom I imprinted when I was 7 or 8, or Sam and Diane or Dave/Maddie when I was a little older), but so much depends on the particular characters and their specific dynamic.

What do you think?


Last night I had this dream that Clint Barton and some character being played by Jake Gyllenhaal had been infected with an alien symbiote that was keeping them alive, but it could only animate them one at a time, so you had to flatline one guy so the symbiote would leap to the other. Clint was not happy with this situation, and was trying to figure out how to fix it, when Natasha and Coulson showed up. Natasha was like, "I leave you alone for FIVE MINUTES and this is what happens!?" and Clint was like, "Coulson will know how to fix it." But then the dream switched to something else so I never found out what happened.


I'm supposed to be going over to someone's apartment tonight for an evening of wine and lounging, so I thought I would bring champagne grapefruit sorbet. That sounds good, right?

And for the Fourth, I might be going to someone's apt on the west side to watch the fireworks, and I was trying to figure out what to bring, and I thought maybe these frozen cappuccino cups. I am not skilled enough in decorating to do any kind of thematic frosting, and I love ice cream so... y/y? I could pop them out of the trays and pack them in ziplock bags and put them in a cooler to transport them across town, right?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/479462.html.
people have commented there.

meta, adventures in cooking, my flist knows everything, dreams, otp/shipping, fannishness

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