I'll cross the world for green and gold

Jun 11, 2012 12:34

I am having a day where apparently everything I do is wrong, even if I'm actually doing what boss2 explicitly told me to do. Ugh. It's all straightened out, but ugh. I know I'm awesome, but I'm not a mind reader, boss2. If you tell me to do something, that is the thing I expect you want me to do, not the opposite of it.

Not the way I wanted to start the day. On the plus side, at least I wasn't coming in from the island this morning, because the Ronkonkoma line is all messed up. Silver linings? Idek.


I'm suddenly behind on answering comments again - mostly due to work being hectic and AO3 being slow (mostly the former but I'm going to totally claim the latter) - but my goal is to get caught up soon. And just in case anyone cares, my fic is all available on DW and LJ if AO3 is still misbehaving and you have a hankering.


I started watching The Unusuals last night - innie_darling lent me the DVDs - and so far I'm enjoying it a lot. I have a fondness for cop shows, even though none of them live up to Homicide (I don't really put The Wire in the 'cop show' category, because it's a lot more complicated than that, so HLotS is the gold standard to me), and this one so far seems like a pretty neat addition to the genre. Too bad it got canceled so quickly. I bet ABC totally kicked themselves for that decision repeatedly, given how Jeremy Renner has gone on to two Oscar nominations and a part in one of the top grossing films of all time.


They didn't know what they had 'til it was gone. He's very good in this, I think, playing the lead cop in a way that hints at past secrets but without being manpainy and brooding about it. I like his chemistry with Amber Tamblyn as his new partner, and with the lady who plays his love interest as well, though I would totally ship his character, Walsh, with Schraeger (Tamblyn's character) if given the chance, because partners! It's a thing. I like how Casey is good at her job and that they mostly let her be good at it without being a stereotypical career-focused woman who can't handle a personal life or whatever.

I also enjoy the other cops, too - especially Harold Perrineau and Adam Goldberg (who is usually more miss than hit for me), and the Sarge.

AHAHAHAHAHA! Banks and Delahoy running the electrolyte neutron magnetic scan test on a subject, just like on HLotS! Though they didn't call it that. Basically it was the same thing though. As soon as I saw the copier/scanner thing on the desk, I made a little squeeing noise. I'm enjoying their partnership.

I'm mostly annoyed by Cole's storyline, or the dude who keeps harassing him back into a life of crime, anyway. I like him otherwise, and I like Beaumont a lot.

Walsh's cooking! I don't even know what to call that. I need more data. But so far it looks horrifying (skittle reduction! idek!), and I don't know if it's on purpose 'cause he's fucking with people or if he just totally marches to a different drummer in the kitchen. I'm also intrigued by his baseball player back story.

I keep thinking Chris Sarandon is John Glover, which is confusing, but I guess since he's fulfilling the slightly less evil John Glover dad role, I suppose it's understandable.

I look forward to watching the rest and then maybe reading some fic. I like how it looks like it was definitely filmed in NYC. I suppose it's still yuletide eligible? I could add it to my list for that. We'll see.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/473458.html.
people have commented there.

tv: the unusuals, my life so hard

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