i go there with you, it's all i can do

Jun 07, 2012 16:16

Board meeting went off without a hitch. Upgrading my work PC to Windows 7 and Office 2010 also hitch-free, except for the little bit of time when my boss came back and wanted to use her own computer and mine was still being upgraded, so I went for an early lunch, and my afternoon has been ENDLESS. There's a reason I don't have lunch until 2 pm at the earliest and that is because when lunch is done, it's 3 pm and then it's home in two hours.

Anyway, upgrade went smoothly except for, you know, all my settings and stuff are gone, so I've been trying to remember (work-related) passwords and re-adding all my Firefox extensions etc.

So far I'm a little confused about where stuff is and why they changed it so much, but nothing's made me flat-out ragey yet, so we'll see how that goes.

I also just changed my journal layouts at both DW, where I had the one I LOVED (Just Like a Man by grrliz) but was retrofitted from LJ back when DW first opened and, sadly, was starting to throw out weird quirks since DW has changed its style system etc. and the CSS was not updated (at least to my knowledge), and the one on LJ because I love the sorbet theme but it was too something for my monitor at work. So now I have very similar, very bland layouts that don't hurt my eyes and hopefully don't bother anyone else who might actually look at them. I did some jiggering with colors and font sizes, but that's basically it. And now I have the sandy heart icon in both places. Nicely summery. *g*

OH, AND ALSO, in case you didn't know - and i don't think this is across all layouts - there is now an option under "Customize Your Journal: Display: Presentation" that allows you to get back an approximation of the old comment page and it considers it your style and shows you other people's comment pages in it. the box is called "Additional Options > Use classic commenting page." Customized comment pages must be enabled for it to work (it tells you that right there on the screen).

The style I chose is called Travel Afar and it's in the minimalism family, so possibly that's based on the code that was going around for a while for Minimalism Georgia? I don't know anything more about it, so I can't really answer any questions, but I hope it works for people! And I personally find it a lot less ugly than that Minimalism Georgia style was. *hands*

As an aside, I find it really unfortunate that LJ doesn't let you change any of the fonts or colors in this layout. And I don't have the CSS knowledge to do it that way. I'd like the links to be a little bit darker blue, is all. They're nicely teal on DW, but on LJ I'd like them more royal/cobalt. That way I can tell the difference, since the two layouts are fairly similar, color-wise otherwise.

I still long for the day I can get someone to make me a pretty cherry blossom theme, but that doesn't look like it's ever going to happen. I can see what it should look like in my head, pink and gray and white, but I don't have the skills to do it.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/472387.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, redecorating, el jay madness

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