a man must have a code

Jun 01, 2012 12:26

So this morning at Starbucks, the lady wrote Virginia instead of Victoria on my cup. Then one of my co-workers called me Veronica. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. There are only, like, FIVE common names that start with a V. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO GET THEM RIGHT?

On the upside, last night I dreamt that David Simon was doing a Jason Todd/Red Hood miniseries for HBO, and as part of the promotional material, I received a very cool origami Advent calendar that said "Red Hood Is Coming!" and there were pretty panels of Jason behind each door.

Clearly the David Simon of my unconscious knows that Jason should be Omar. Maybe this dream miniseries would have had Dick/Jason in it, given that it was my unconscious. Sadly, I woke up before I found out.

In other formerly dead sidekick news, I watched the latest episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (don't worry if you're in the US - it doesn't air here until 6/24, but I found it on the youtube) and not only did it have WINTER SOLDIER, it had SAM WILSON AS THE FALCON. They both appear to be brainwashed, which is a new thing for Sam, I think. I'm glad they didn't waste a reveal on Skrull!Cap, because that would have no emotional resonance whatsoever. Also, I think I see where the Bruce/Clint stuff comes from now - Clint seems to be the only person who interacts with Bruce when he's Bruce instead of the Hulk. They were very cute together.

I keep trying not to be excited about this, given that it's either being cancelled after 13 episodes or changed to match the format of Ultimate Spider-man, neither of which thrills me, but still! A Steve/Bucky reunion is basically all I want from this show at this point. Preferably without the hugs being as delayed as they were in the comics.


How is it June already? Have the monthly roundup posts:

Recs update!

unfitforsociety has been updated for May 2012 with 60 recs in 5 fandoms:

* 48 Avengers movieverse
* 3 Bourne Trilogy
* 2 Legend of Korra
* 1 Community and 1 Calvin & Hobbes


Top 5 songs!

Augustine - Vienna Teng
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Sorrow - The National
Fly - Nicki Minaj ft. Rihanna
All This and Heaven Too - Florence + the Machine


Monthly writing roundup!

what a smile means (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Natasha/Steve; adult; no real spoilers for the movie; 4,470 words
Natasha knows a lot of things Steve doesn't.

Six Meetings Before Lunch (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve & Thor; g; 4,120 words
Six times Steve and Thor hang out.

Shibboleth (at AO3)
Avengers (2012)/DCU; Darcy, Clint, Dick, Steph, Natasha, ensemble; pg; 3,130 words
"Nightwing?" Clint scoffs. "That guy's not real."


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/470643.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, top 5 songs, tv: avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, hoods and birds, don't make me shoot you, formerly dead sidekicks for the win, dreams, recs updates

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