if i could, baby, i'd give you my world

May 20, 2012 21:04

I feel like I caught up on ALL the TV today and I don't really have a whole lot to say about most of it, because it was too much. So, in brief:

Young Justice
LIAN. Also, someone called Superboy KON (though I suppose it could have been Con, which would be better because I WANT TO SEE CLARK GIVE HIM THE NAME KON-EL DAMMIT). And JAIME is ADORABLE. WALLY AND ARTEMIS. (And Wally hopefully having grown out of his doucheyness.) (I wonder if Artemis knows she's an aunt.) (I still want angry Artemis/Roy makeouts.)

I just. DICK AND ROY AND WALLY. ♥ THEY HAD AN INTERVENTION FOR ROY. I'm guessing that is the closest a Saturday morning cartoon is going to get to depicting Roy's drug addiction. (I'm amused that everyone else was in street clothes but Dick was there as Nightwing.) I really hope Roy straightens his act out because LIAN. Now if Superboy and Tim could just have some screentime together, even though I am absolutely still shipping Superboy/M'gann. Also, MILAGRO needs to show up.

Legend of Korra
LIN BEI FONG IS A BAMF. And TENZIN. AIRBENDING SLICE. ASAMI AND KORRA IN A RACE CAR. I feel like this episode was kind of rushed and jumbled, and more about getting everything set up for the second half of the season, but it had so much good stuff in it that I don't really mind. It felt like the early bits of AtlA s2, where you could sense them setting things in motion and then BAM! "The Blind Bandit" kicks off the most amazing stretch of episodes in the series. I might rewatch those episodes a whole lot. *cough* Also, NO! NOT MY CABBAGE CORP!

Ultimate Spider-man
I wish this show were better, but oh man, FROG!THOR was TOTALLY WORTH it. I reblogged this from myself in honor of that hilarity.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
I don't understand why you do that whole big lead up to the SKRULL INVASION and then the next week there's a totally unrelated episode about Thor helping a dude I couldn't care less about. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Also, I would like someone to figure out Cap is a Skrull. I need actual Cap back. Also, more T'Challa, if this series is going to continue to hold my interest. I was glad to see Carol Danvers, and sad - though not surprised - to see Bobbi Morse was also a Skrull. Adding Luke Cake and Danny Rand would be useful, too, especially in light of ditching Hank Pym, who is a waste of space. I'm also amused at how Nick Fury surrounds himself with hot lady agents and ... Tony Stark.

I... Okay, I don't know how I feel, though my main reaction is that I think I'm done? When Astrid got shot, I was like, OH NO YOU DIDN'T! But she survived (if she hadn't, we would have been professionally done), and Olivia also got shot and ... I liked it better when PETER was the macguffin and Olivia was the action hero. I like it a lot less when Olivia is the power source who has to be killed to be shut off and then Peter and Walter get to be all manpainy about it. I guess the ending is setting up that future we saw in the episode with the flash forward, but I'm not sure I'm interested in that. I don't know. Bring back Charlie and Henry and alt!Livia and Lincoln Lee! I did like the callbacks to the pilot, with questioning the dead witness etc. And Bell showing up finally. I just... I don't know.

As far as Dan Harmon being fired from Community, I think it was a dick move by Sony (and I'm not all that fond of Harmon's schtick, I have to admit; his public self-loathing makes me very uncomfortable), and the show won't be the same and that makes me sad (conversely, I'm even more pleased with the season 3 finale now), but seriously, some of the fans need to sit down and chill.


In non-tv-watching news, fleurdeleo had a dinner party last night (zomg, so much wine), and I made this flourless chocolate hazelnut cake.

It's very easy and very dense and rich and tasty and I highly recommend it as long as there's nobody around who's allergic to nuts.


Before that, I was on the edge of my seat watching the Rangers, because wow, they looked flat and uninspired for the first half of the game, and they're lucky Lundqvist kept them in the game. When they scored the first goal, I texted my dad that I would like a second one, and maybe a third, just for insurance. And then they scored again! And I was like, "now I would like a million dollars." Sadly that did not materialize, but a third goal finally did. Whew.

I mean, let's face it, right now the Kings have a total Team of Destiny thing going on about them, but I'd still like to see the Rangers make the finals.


Yesterday was
devildoll's birthday, so I wrote her a story about Thor and Steve being bros:

Six Meetings Before Lunch (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve & Thor; g; 4,120 words
Six times Steve and Thor hang out.

I admit, I cracked myself up while I was writing, and sent a few texts to
angelgazing that were mostly me going, "BOUNCY CASTLE Y/MFY?" and "BUMPER CARS Y/MFY?" *hands* If you don't think Steve and Thor in a bouncy castle is good times, I don't even want to know you.

Anyway, she really liked it, and so did some other people, so I'm really pleased, because like I said, it made me happy to write it. Steve and Thor: epic bros.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/467307.html.
people have commented there.

tv: young justice, tv: fringe, recipes, tv: avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, tv: avatar: the legend of korra, tv: community, adventures in cooking, tv: ultimate spider-man, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend

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