Sittin' here, eatin' my heart out, waitin', waitin' for some lover to call

May 17, 2012 13:06

Holy crap, Donna Summer died. Her music was a huge part of my childhood and I'm saddened by the loss.

*cues up Hot Stuff on the iPod*


People keep talking about an Ant-man movie, and wanting him on the Avengers, and I just don't understand why. Even if you take away the heinous wife-beating bits from Ultimates, he's just not interesting. Hank Pym, I mean. I don't even find Scott Lang interesting, though he does give us Cassie, who I like. Just, of all the superheroes people could be clamoring for a movie for, Ant-man is like, not even on the list. (Jan, on the other hand, I would enjoy seeing, but can't see how it would work without looking really cheesy.)

Of course, I also don't understand why we got a Hal Jordan Green Lantern movie when EVERY OTHER GREEN LANTERN is more interesting and likeable (yes, I would probably even have preferred a movie about Guy Gardner - at least he knows he's an asshole and is hilarious about it), but I've already been made aware of how little DC wants my money.

Speaking of DC, apparently they're cancelling the rebooted Blue Beetle, which is no surprise, because it took everything that was AMAZING about the original Jaime Reyes run and RUINED IT. Ugh. The whole awesome thing about Jaime is that he is not your typical angsty brooding teenage superhero. His family and best friends know he is a hero, so he doesn't have to be an asshole who lies to everyone who loves him or play stupid identity tricks to keep them in the dark like other heroes, and he's just so SENSIBLE and SWEET. I still want him to hang out with Peter Parker and Anya Sofia Corazon and Miles Morales. These are buggy superheroes I would pay to see on screen. Not Ant-man. Bah. (Of course, you know what they're going to take from this is that Latin@ superheroes don't sell, not that the writing was shitty.)

I also saw that Miles is going to be meeting Captain America soon, and my gut response to that was NO RUN THE OTHER WAY HE GOT PETER KILLED BECAUSE HE IS A GIANT DOUCHENOZZLE. I don't think I will ever get over how vile Ultimate Cap is (that is actually my tag for him on tumblr "#ultimate cap is vile and I hate him"). It's worse with him than the others because how do you take Steve Rogers and make him awful? WHO DOES THAT AND THINKS IT'S GOOD+? [as an aside, I love the speech Brubaker gives Steve about the French Resistance in vol. 5 - I can't remember the issue - because it's such a refutation of that awful, awful "Does this A on my head stand for FRANCE?" bullshit in Ultimates.]

Anyway, the Avengers I would most like to see appear in the second movie are Carol Danvers, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, and Jessica Jones. (I also have hopes for Sam Wilson in Cap 2.) Keep your Ant-man nonsense. Pfui.

+Yes, I know, Mark Millar. You can be assured I have been avoiding his name elsewhere.


In other news, I reread Guardian of the Horizon, the one where the Emersons go back to the Lost Oasis, mostly because I couldn't remember what had happened with Ramses and Daria, and I discovered that there is an Amelia I haven't read, so I am reading it now. It features the possibility of the Ark of the Covenant, which I find really interesting in a meta way, because my understanding is that Emerson was some influence on the characterization of Indiana Jones (Crocodile on the Sandbank came out in the 70s, so it would have been fairly new then). And so far Ramses is on his own so there's no annoying pining for Nefret or jealousy about her behavior.

Man, I am never getting over Falcon at the Portal, am I?


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