i am tired of waiting for disaster

Apr 02, 2012 11:17

Last night, I woke up and got out of bed (well, sat up, anyway) to text
devildoll to tell her that the thing the world really needs is an Amanda Waller/Nick Fury team-up, sexy or otherwise, where they...rule the world? Drive superheroes nuts? Have a lot of snarky sex in between being badasses? I do not know. I only know that I'm going to imagine CCH Pounder and Samuel L. Jackson being bamfs together for a while and see if anything comes of it, but while I'm doing that, you should be writing this!

The other thing the world needs is a Steve/Bucky vid to "Love Is a Battlefield." I kind of get a little sniffly just thinking about it.

I watched the first handful of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes yesterday, and it's a little too much fighty-fighty for me so far, but I do like Jan much more here than in Ultimates (seriously, nobody read that, it is terrible, and also it has made me give Hank Pym the side-eye hard everywhere else). She is ADORABLE. I'm not sold on the voice actors for the men yet, but Thor so far is kind of adorable, and I have already had some Aw, Hulk moments. Otoh, I suppose I need to wait to see how it plays out, but right now I'm feeling very unhappy about what they've shown of Natasha so far.

I was also amused at how much this Cap reminds me of the Middleman, who clearly has a lot of the same DNA (amusing in a slightly different way were the couple of moments where Cap reminded me of The Tick. I'm not sure that that was intentional.) I also thought they made Bucky very Robinish, in terms of doing flips and shit during the fighting. (I am less amused that they've completely replaced the Nazis with Hydra; I don't understand this at all.)

Unsurprisingly, my favorite thing so far is the episode in the past with Cap and Bucky, and even though I knew how it was going to end, I actually teared up when Bucky kicked Steve off the plane because the world needed him more than it needed Bucky, and then he turns around and gives that salute before he blows up, and wow, I honestly didn't expect to be teary but I was. BUCKY FEELS. They are an incurable affliction, at least if Steve is any example. He then wakes up in the future yelling, "BUCKY NO!" *hands*

Mostly I started watching this because my understanding is that the Winter Soldier is going to show up in season 2. And also Sam Wilson. YOU KNOW I CAN'T RESIST THEM.

Oh, and I also really like Pepper, of course, but that was pretty much a given. Did you see that quote from RDJ that he insisted Pepper be included in The Avengers because Tony needs her? ♥♥♥

I also watched the premiere of Ultimate Spider-man, which, thankfully, appears to have very little in common with the comic of the same name, because I don't think I could take watching something so unbearably sad. It's very cute - it reminds me of Teen Titans a little, in a good way. I love that they made Aunt May so cool. I LOVE that they made Coulson principal of Peter's high school. I like that he now has a team, though I'm amused at teenage Luke Cage and teenage Danny Rand. The other two weren't familiar to me, but I like the girl already. Peter is Peter and he is adorable and that is what I am interested in. I also really liked that he's the one with the practical experience in crimefighting, even if he desperately needs training.

(This is, I think, the huge difference between the comics and this show - SHIELD, via Fury, kept an eye on Ultimate!Peter, but didn't do anything to help him systematically; Tony was occasionally available to mentor him, which was good, but ugh, let us not even speak of comics ultimate!Cap and his ultimate faily failure at being a decent human being, let alone at being able to mentor Peter. This is why I want to write the ultimate!Peter wakes up in the DCU story - so he can get some decent mentoring. Say what you will about Batman - and I HAVE - but his kids are the best-trained kids out there, and I think I'm going to set it while Dick is Batman so there will be some actual human interaction that is not SOUL-DESTROYING as well. Or possibly Peter will go live with the Reyeses in El Paso. Mostly because Peter + Jaime = AWESOME.)

ANYWAY. I don't like that MJ doesn't know yet, but I'm hoping that changes soon. And I always find J. Jonah Jameson a hoot, and Norman Osborn is appropriately creepy and gross.

So that was fun.

I also watched Once Upon a Time last night and seriously, Regina, get the fuck over yourself. Snow was what? TEN when she let your secret slip? Holding a murderous grudge against a ten-year-old is RIDICULOUS.

Also, can someone punch out that August guy? I DO NOT LIKE HIM. BRING BACK HOT HUNTSMAN. (At least Jefferson is coming back for a couple of episodes. yay!) Also, Emma, honey, I like you, but you are not the brightest bulb in the lamp for sure. Your investigative methods make me facepalm a lot.

Also, also, is Richard Schiff COMPLETELY MISCAST as the king or is it just me? Of course, Regina also occasionally lapses into sounding like she's from Brooklyn, too, so maybe fairyland is really somewhere near Bensonhurst. idek.


Today's poem:


Sitting in a freshly painted room, thinking
that I should be leaving, thinking that it
smells like rain. I have left my son's globe
on the living room table. I have left too
many bills unpaid, too many windows open,
and the truck is almost out of gas. The
woman walking down the stairs knows my
name, smiles like we're old friends, says
she lost everything in the flood. Says her
husband left her for a younger woman,
but she can't be more than twenty-two,
twenty-three. She can't stop crying, and
I can't think of anything to say. I need to
get home in case there's a fire. In case the
phone rings. I am tired of waiting for

~John Sweet


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poetry, avengers assemble, this is captain america calling, tv: avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, national poetry month 2012, tv: once upon a time, you should totally write that, tv: ultimate spider-man

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