trying to remember where it all began

Mar 31, 2012 13:15

I don't really have much to say about last night's Fringe. Mostly I'm glad Lincoln survived. I was kind of grossed out completely by Peter and Olivia's smug-married-ness, and I can't tell if the show was being critical of Olivia's choice not to try to reverse the memories thing when we learned that Rachel is still married and that Ella has a little brother, because at the end, Broyles condones Olivia's ignoring of her suspension and reinstates her.

I guess I'm glad the case of the week ties back to David Robert Jones because otherwise it was a rehash of a less than stellar episode from s1 - I'm glad that they're finding ways to tie the earlier bits into the later bits, but at this point, I just want answers and I want it to be over. Maybe we could have the Astrid and Lincoln and Broyles spin off? Yeah?

And most of what I want to say about this morning's Young Justice is ♥ARTEMIS♥

I think she may have edged M'gann out as my favorite. Just. Her little FACE. Oh, my precious girl, don't let everyone being a dick to you get you down! You earned your place on that team and you're a good vigilante.

And holy crap, Wally! They made me actually like him for a bit! THAT IS THE WALLY I WANT EVERY WEEK, GUYS. THE ONE WHO TELLS ARTEMIS SHE IS A REAL ARCHER AND HAS A PLACE ON THE TEAM AND WHO CALLS OUT RED ARROW ON BEING A JERK TO HER. And then of course, he's so cutting to her at the end, because he doesn't UNDERSTAND. And Roy is just a dick to her throughout. (I did enjoy "A kiss is still a kiss" "And a sai is still a sai." Oh, Wally. BE MORE LIKE THAT, OKAY?)

Artemis, M'gann, and Superboy are all compromised in some way, but I really believe that Superboy has to be the mole. I will be VERY ANGRY INDEED if it is one of the girls (I just can't see them doing it with Dick or Wally).

Oh, Klarion the Witchboy is never not hilarious. "I didn't order this. Send it back!"

Lastly, I'm a little offended on Spider-man's behalf because of the bad guy in the teaser. Possibly because I spent some more time last night reading more Amazing Spider-man and I have to say I didn't much care for Sins of the Past. Gwen slept with Norman Osborn? REALLY? REALLY? I just don't even know what to do with that. Because I haven't been reading these comics for years and years, I don't mind a quick dip in the well of Peter's Gwen Stacy Feels for some extra added pathos (though I'm sure it's tiresome to people who've been reading forever), but come the fuck on now. I did like that MJ knew and kept the secret, because that is who she is and what she does, and that Peter accepted that in the end.

I liked the end of the story with Ezekiel, though I'm still skeptical about the spider spirit or whatever choosing Peter. I liked the acknowledgement that it's not the powers, but the choices, that make a hero, and Ezekiel repeatedly chose not to be one.

Otoh, I did like that Morwen acknowledged that Peter has a bit of the Trickster in him when he was teamed up with Loki and Loki was all BUT I AM THE TRICKSTER WTF? and her explanation that Loki only caused chaos if it would bring him control in the end and how control is the enemy of chaos. I really wanted to see Peter's conversation with Thor afterwards - "oh yeah, Loki and I teamed up to save his daughter. Nbd."

I also enjoyed the story with the tailor to the superhero and supervillain set, mostly for Peter's insistence that he doesn't have an accent and the old guy's scoffing, because I believe that is a conversation every native New Yorker has had.


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comics: amazing spider-man, tv: young justice, tv: fringe, does whatever a spider can

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