i can't work a nine to five

Mar 09, 2012 21:55

I have had four pints and four (I think? maybe it was only 3? but it definitely seems like four - 2 before K. showed up and then two after? or three after?) lemon drops and while lemon drops are weaksauce despite their tasty sugary lemony goodness, three (or four) is definitely enough to leach the feeling from my face, which is how I judge drunkenness. I can still feel my lips, but my face is a little iffy at this point.

I needed a night of celebration though. Work has been busy in preparation of things next week and while one thing went off without a hitch, boss2 was kind of a pain despite being off on vacation..

apparently here is the post I started to make earlier and got distracted from by work (as opposed to now, when I'm distracted by being tipsy):

Woo! I am covered in glory! And wite-out (sic)! But mostly glory.

Board packets: sent!

Committee packets: sent!
(well, except for one attachment that apparently nobody here has and the consultants haven't sent it to me yet, so that is going out under separate cover on Monday. whatever!)

Phone calls: made!

Reservation for gelato-making class: made!

Drinks: will soon be had!

I guess we can change that to Drinks: Have been had! Yay! and it will all be all right.

It is K's birthday tomorrow, so we even got one round of shots on the house! Birthday shots all round!

Now i will just try to sober p a little before going to bed, otherwise i'll just be awake at 4 am, doing the dying fish.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/443053.html.
people have commented there.

life, we make our own fun, drinking

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