Leaving my shadow still to be with you.

Mar 07, 2012 20:58

Work was busy today and looks like tomorrow and Friday will be as well, but in between that, I was able to sneak looks at tumblr, and while I enjoyed all the new Avengers gifs, apparently today was ALL BUCKY FEELS ALL THE TIME on my dash. Possibly the sheer mass of Bucky feels today is what broke tumblr. I am just saying.

Since tumblr is currently down, you can't see it now, but this graphic of Steve and Bucky reaching for each other as Bucky falls kind of broke me.
greensilver's vid Sorrow finished the job, leaving me a teary, broken wreck.

On the plus side, he doesn't stay dead! Winter Soldier #3 came out today, and while it was mostly set up, it did have a couple nice Bucky/Natasha moments. And I finally uploaded a couple Black Widow icons! Which I am not using on this post because it is still ALL BUCKY FEELS ALL THE TIME up in here.

And I booked my ticket for my trip to see
devildoll, so we can see Avengers together as many times as possible in 3.5 days. And each time I will whisper a little wish to the universe that we get a Winter Soldier movie, because that would make me so happy. But yes, if you hear ridiculously loud squeeing from somewhere in the midwest during that weekend, that will probably be us.

In non-Avengers related news, I'd pre-ordered Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, and it came out this week, so I interrupted the book I was reading to start reading this, because it's the story of Achilles and Patroclus from Patroclus' POV, which is something I am very interested in. I like it so far, and I just got to the part where Achilles basically asks Patroclus to go steady and I kind of cooed at my iPad and then clutched it to my chest because they are such precious darlings and I just want them to be happy. And I was telling
devildoll about it and I was like, "I'll let you know if you should read it when I finish," and then I was like, "Well, there's no way the ending could be worse than the original story, right?"

I swear, I don't go looking for tragical BFF OTPs. They just kind of happen to me.


Here is the poem my Natasha icon keywords come from, because yes:

You Will Hear Thunder

You will hear thunder and remember me,
And think: she wanted storms. The rim
Of the sky will be the colour of hard crimson,
And your heart, as it was then, will be on fire.

That day in Moscow, it will all come true,
when, for the last time, I take my leave,
And hasten to the heights that I have longed for,
Leaving my shadow still to be with you.

~Anna Akhmatova


I guess with tumblr down, I might actually get some writing done.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/442411.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, poetry, books, avengers assemble, this is captain america calling, bucky barnes has a robot arm, youtube, comics: winter soldier

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