and all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner

Mar 01, 2012 10:12

Oh, man, so yesterday sucked. When I said I hated everyone ever, I meant I hated me the most. Seriously. I never should have come to work, because I was seriously out of it and cranky as all get out to boot, though in some ways I'm glad I did because while there were no fires to put out, some things that needed doing finally got done, no thanks to my procrastination. I like to think of myself as generally competent at my job, but you wouldn't know it going by yesterday. Ugh.

So I went home last night in the freezing rain, watched the Avengers trailer (*squee*) so I could go on tumblr, got bored of tumblr because it was the same 5 Avengers gif sets over and over on my dash (I do not track tags and I don't go into tags at all because I see enough shit that makes me angry every day. why would I inflict more on myself?), took a shower, and went to bed. At 7:30. Yes. It was good. And I slept through until 4:30, and then went back to sleep again until my alarm went off, so I basically had 12 hours of sleep and I feel like a whole new human being! Or at least a reasonable approximation of the one I was before Tuesday night.


I enjoyed White Collar this week except for how apparently THEY STILL HAVE NAZI TREASURE. WTF? WHY JEFF EASTIN? WHY? I was willing to let it go! Because it was clearly poorly thought out and you kept trying to mitigate it (though I get the feeling you never did understand why it was wrong and upsetting), and ugh, WHY? And after everything else was so GOOD. I mean, plot-wise, whatever, I don't watch this show for the plot. I watch it for Peter and Neal and El and Diana and Jones and JUNE - OMG JUNE ELLINGTON. TAKE THE A TRAIN, DUBBIE! Ahem. - and yes, Mozzie, when he's not annoying me, and Sara - her glee at getting the Raphael back was ADORABLE. And this episode delivered the goods - El comparing Peter's relationship with Neal to their marriage; Jones pointing out that Neal's got it easy. June! JUNE PLAYING THE PANEL LIKE A PIANO. ♥ And then ALL THE SAD! when Peter had to tell Neal to run because Kramer was going to take him away! And oh, Neal's parents are ALIVE, which I'm sure is going to be a major plot point next season. SO MUCH GOOD STUFF. And then bah, Nazi treasure. REPATRIATE THAT STUFF NOW, NEAL, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD AND TRUE IN THE WORLD. Ahem.

So yes. There was that.


How is it March already? Here is the February writing roundup:

Aw Yeah Tiny Bubbles! (at AO3)
Tiny Titans; Alfred, ensemble; g; 1,000 words
Stately Wayne Manor hosts the Annual Pet Club Valentine's Party.

All Right and Satisfied (at AO3)
Push (2009); Nick/Cassie; adult; content notes: Cassie is 17; 1,525 words
Nick loves when Cassie's like this, her slim frame as powerful as a Mack truck when she rolls over him and uses him every way she can to get off.

This voltage to ignite (at AO3)
Push (2009); Nick/Cassie; content notes: Cassie's 16; adult; 3,805 words
It's not the sex that makes her worry; it's all the stuff that goes with it.

Bake Until Golden (at AO3)
Fringe; Astrid; g; very vague spoilers through "Making Angels"; 885 words
The evolution of Astrid Farnsworth: stress baker.

The curves of your lips rewrite history (at AO3)
Captain America (2011); Steve/Bucky; adult; 2,360 words
Five times Steve was distracted by Bucky's mouth.

I Give You Love, Baby, Not Romance (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Darcy/Clint; pg; 2,340 words
Clint thinks he and Darcy are dating; Darcy thinks Clint's just got a bad case of the beer goggles.

I'm pleased. Writing is happening, both in terms of new story ideas and new words on older wsip that may actually get finished. Plus, I wrote Tiny Titans. Nothing will ever make me as happy as that, I think. Jason's glitter moustache! Batman wreathed in tiny pink bubbles! Though I also enjoy Darcy and Clint being complete failboats at dating. There can never be enough stories about that.

I forgot completely in all the blurgh yesterday, so I will upload the top 5 songs tonight.


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monthly writing roundup, tv: white collar, i fail at glee!, my life so hard

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