blood is the rose of mysterious union

Feb 28, 2012 21:22

Oh, fandom, sometimes I really do hate so much about what you choose to be. I don't really care about the new CBS remake of Sherlock Holmes, but this post and this post pretty much encapsulate how I feel about the hypocritical concern trolling going on about Lucy Liu's casting as Watson. This is why we can't have nice things. (And Lucy Liu as Watson is definitely in the "nice things" category imo.)


The absolute worst part about living alone is that there is no one around to hold your hair back while you puke and then fetch you ginger ale afterwards while you take to your bed. But I survived! And I feel better this evening, though still tired.


So I have spent the past few days marathoning through the first 13 episodes of Once Upon a Time. My feelings are very mixed, because wow, the writing has been more bad than good, and the CGI is hilariously bad, and some of the acting is over the top, but not over the top enough to take it from nose-wrinkling disbelief to awesomely hilarious. Mostly I kept watching because I do like the fact that the action is driven by the women - the three main characters are women and they're all different and they have agency - and I keep waiting for Lana Parilla and Jennifer Morrison to make out because they have some seriously slashy hate vibes going on. And I've been impressed with Morrison, who I was sort of eh about on House. Also, despite some problematic elements in his character, Robert Carlyle is kind of a joy to watch.

I think giving up on the idea that it's Fables or anything nearly as good as Fables was for a long time (I gave it up a while ago - that whole part where there was no Bigby along with some other stuff just made me a lot less interested) really helps, because it's not only not Fables, it's not trying to be Fables except in very broad fairy-tale characters set in the real world way.

But oh, god, the writing is so anvilicious and they get these great guest stars (Richard Schiff! Nicholas Lea! Emma Caulfield! Emily de Ravin! Amy Acker is going to be on! and of course, Sebastian Stan is guest starring in an upcoming episode) and they waste them, time after time. I feel like there are flashes of a good show, or at least a really campy fun show, and then there's what the show actually is, and it's really kind of frustrating to see the potential not being fulfilled. Like, I thought it was great that they were willing to kill off someone who looked like an important character so early! And it wasn't one of the women! But I'm a little sad the hot sheriff is gone because he was hot. And I'm not sure the overall plot makes a lot of sense. And I wish they'd give Regina a little more depth.

But mostly I want Regina and Emma to make out. Is that too much to ask?


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tv: once upon a time, don't make me shoot you, just a typical prototype, my life so hard

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