the less I have the more I gain

Feb 22, 2012 10:31

White Collar: Stealing Home


I don't even hate them anymore! (Their fans, otoh...) And I concede DiMaggio's status and his 56 game hitting streak will likely never be matched, let alone broken! (also, he is my dad's all-time favorite player. Yes, my dad was a Yankees fan before he married my mother. My mother, I may have mentioned, was a Dodgers fan and then became a Mets fan. On the upside, if there is one, that means she's used to losing and futility?) But ugh.

Otoh, as someone who also has very fond memories of baseball with my dad and brother, I thought his little monologue on what baseball means, and how it is certainly as meaningful as art, was spot-on. (Though I do feel the need to know more about young Peter's fannishness - if he's around my age, the Yankees were going through rough spots after those winning teams in the late 70s.) And I LOVE that they used DeKay's background as a minor league ballplayer for Peter. And also I GO TO WORK. Hee!

I don't dislike Sara, but I feel like she was weirdly shoehorned into this episode and also Hilarie Burton felt off to me somehow.

So there is someone smoother and more teflon than Neal. And Mozzie's got a crush on him. Good to know. I think we can be sure that Beau Bridges is not cutting Neal loose next week.

Let us talk about how awesome DIANA is. ♥DIANA♥ And EL IS A TIGRESS. I DRAW SO MANY SPARKLY HEARTS AROUND THE BURKES (and their boyfriend). ♥♥♥

In other television news, I'm guessing you've all heard by now that COMMUNITY IS BACK MARCH 15! YAY!!!!


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