it's bigger than the universe

Feb 14, 2012 10:19

Thank you all so much for the sparkly hearts in my LJ profile! ♥♥♥♥♥


I made pretzels on Sunday! They are awesome!

The recipe is pretty easy and mostly quick. The most time consuming part is actually rolling the dough into ropes so you can then shape it like pretzels. That took forever. The recipe said it made 8 large or 30 small pretzels, but I went with 15 medium sized ones because doing that 30 times was going to take FOREVER.

This is what I'm talking about:

It took longer than I had patience for. Of course, my store of patience is extremely limited.

But then I had little pretzel-looking things, just waiting to be boiled:

Here they are, boiling. I don't know why I needed an 8 quart stock pot to only boil two pretzels at a time, but I followed the directions and that is what I did.

Here they are, post-boiling, but pre-eggwash and salting:

And the final product:

They are SO GOOD. Especially right out of the oven. But two days later, they are also good. I just had two for breakfast. Mmmm...salty...


I was up too late last night reading a story that I thought was finished? But is apparently not quite done yet. Sigh. I should never start reading anything at 11 pm when I am getting ready to turn off the computer, but most definitely not things that aren't even finished yet. Sigh.


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flove, adventures in cooking, recipes, my life so hard

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