you take it to the heart

Jan 25, 2012 09:56

Last night's White Collar

Wow, it's like a Good Wife reunion up in here with Dylan Baker and the kid who plays Zach.

Neal as a teacher, in his sexy hipster glasses, quoting poetry!

Peter quoting The Thin Man to compliment Neal (and El) - he does have a type - smart, lanky brunettes! (Though this is possibly the first time in the history of ever someone's referred to Tiffani Thiessen as 'lanky'.)

(the quote actually goes like this:

Nora: Pretty girl.
Nick: Yes. She's a very nice type.
Nora: You got types?
Nick: Only you, darling. Lanky brunettes with wicked jaws.

Man, this show is nothing but fanservice sometimes.

Peter's terrible puns! His aversion to pulling the fire alarm because it is against the law! Hee! YOU ARE MY FAVORITE FOREVER, PETER. I DRAW SPARKLY HEARTS AROUND YOU. Even if you are a Yankees fan.

Mozzie! Magwich. Heh. Also, "You can't prove I'm here." I like you again. You can stay.

Diana! ♥


Idfic broke 10K last night, and that was just in the reading over/editing process - no new scenes were added. I did find an unfinished sentence in the middle of a scene and couldn't remember where I was going with it. The perils of being interrupted. Heh. I think I did what I meant to do, even if I can't remember the exact wording I was originally planning on.

I also posted a story yesterday:

64 Colors (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Darcy, ensemble; g; 2,045 words
Darcy's life is weird, but she kind of likes it.

I had this idea on the subway on Monday, possibly sparked by that fanart from a few weeks ago of the Hulk coloring, that one of the things Darcy introduces Steve to in the 21st century is the 64 color box of crayons with its own sharpener (the original summary, when the story was going to be more Steve/Darcy than Darcy gen, was "Welcome to the future, Steve. It has its own sharpener." But when I said Steve/Darcy,
angelgazing said, "but Clint!" and so, gen. Though I think you can read it as Steve/Darcy or Darcy/Clint if you like. *hands*).

Anyway, in addition to that, I felt bad about the way I keep leaving Bruce out of my stories, so I thought, wait, coloring is a very soothing activity. Perhaps it's one of the ways he keeps his cool in the lab! And so originally, it was just going to be the three of them, but then
angelgazing suggested Natasha show up with peanut butter sandwiches (and I quote, "She's polite, not a chef," which became my new LJ name, and was transformed into "She's terrifying but she has lovely manners" in the story), and it kind of snowballed from there.

I'm really glad other people are as tickled as I am at the idea of the Avengers sitting around in a conference room, coloring. And Clint is totally a secret brony.

This is why you want me in your fandom, people. Other fans will write works of heartbreaking angst or panty-melting porn, but only I will write about team-building via coloring. Someone's got to bring the ridiculous, right?


Ugh, I got my period yesterday and I have been way over-emotional about everything. Stupid hormones. I will be so pleased when it is gone and never comes back.


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writing: my stories, tv: white collar

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