we're just talking about the future

Jan 12, 2012 10:46

This morning on the news, there was a story about some guy's iPhone ringing during the NY Philharmonic (no, I can't believe it made the news either, but I guess the conductor stopping the orchestra because of someone's ringing phone is something that doesn't happen all that often), and normally, I'd just be like, "What a tool! He should have been escorted out!" but this morning I was just like, "Oh, Steve. He doesn't know how to set his phone to silent! He must have been mortified." And then
angelgazing said, "Thor should teach him how! Because Thor might not have an inside voice, but his phone does!" Because that was, like, the first thing Darcy taught him. I'm hoping she actually writes that story, because Thor teaching Steve about Midgardian technology has the potential for ENDLESS HILARITY. I giggle a little just thinking about it. (I should probably get a Thor icon. Hmm...)

In other news, it was so windy this morning that I couldn't use an umbrella - I've already had one new one broken this winter by the wind - and my hat actually blew off my head. I mean, it's a baseball cap, so my ponytail kept it from flying away completely, but that was some serious wind.

This week is almost over. I have serious plans to hermit it up this weekend and watch football.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/419168.html.
people have commented there.

we make our own fun, this is captain america calling, you should totally write that, my life so hard

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