they've already gotten plenty

Dec 18, 2011 20:20

Today was a busy day! I was up early to go to the 11 am show of Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, which I enjoyed muchly - it was basically two hours of RDJ and Jude Law being gay married.

It's funny, because I do not feel any need for fic for these movies, though I totally see why people do. For me, I feel like they are the most expensive and well-cast slashy fanfic already, so I don't need to read more. *hands*

Then I went and did the bulk of my Christmas shopping - having Sephora, B&N and Best Buy next door/across the street from each other (and up the block from the theater) worked well for me. You should see the adorable Hello, Kitty makeup case thing I got for one niece, and the OPI tiny nail polish collection I got for the other. ♥

Then I met up with the non-fannish ladies for lunch, L., K., M, and M2. It was glorious. Since we went so late, they didn't bother with the 2 hour limit and let us sit around and chat. The steak salad was basically a gorgeous steak laid on top of a bed of greens, and the desserts... omg, the desserts. I had the chocolate hazlenut pops, which were four little ice cream pops with ganache and crushed hazelnuts to dip them in. M and M2 both had the apple beignets, which were more like teeny fried pies than beignets, but oh my god, the almond ice cream it came with was exquisite. I should make almond ice cream. Tortoni, even.

Though I didn't realize that 3 (possibly 4? I lost track) mimosas would leave me with a headache that couldn't be chased away even with lying in the dark for 2 hours (there might have been napping, but you can't prove anything).

I'm kind of glad I missed the Giants being terrible, though I chose the seat at the table that faced the giant TV over the bar.

Now I think I'm going to mute the football game and spend the night scrolling mindlessly through tumblr.

My exciting life, people!


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life, genghis khan could bring it on, movies

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