shine your shoes with your microphone blues

Dec 12, 2011 21:36

I just got to watch The Good Wife: What Went Wrong and now I have ALL THE FEELINGS OMG SO MANY FEEEEEEEEELINGS!

OMG OMG OMG I ACTUALLY TEARED UP DURING THE ALICIA/KALINDA RECONCILIATION SCENE IN THE CAR! OH MY HEART! Just. Oh my god. And then Kalinda's smile when Alicia went to help her go see the button lady again. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ And Alicia going all cool and threatening to Cary when they were giving her the runaround about Kalinda! OMG SO GOOD!

I also enjoyed watching Alicia and Peter be power couple-y without actually being a couple, and then Peter does to not!Mary McConnell what Alicia does to Cary, except he's got a lot more heft behind his threats.

Wendy Scott Carr is investigating Peter! Perfect! And Will is smart enough not to get down to that level despite the sting of being dumped.

DIANE! DIANE YOU ARE STILL THE BEST OF THEM ALL! I admit, I was expecting it to be Kalinda at the end at the bar. I wanted it to be Kalinda. But I was not AT ALL unhappy to have it be Diane instead.



Meme, snagged from everywhere:

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I will give you 1-3 sentences from or about it.

I'm thinking this is actually supposed to be the kind of story I would write but haven't, not the kind of story where my 1-3 sentences would be me telling you why I never would write it. *hands*


Anyone out there live in Annapolis (or surrounding areas) and able to give me a thumbnail sketch about living there? It's for a story.


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memes, my flist knows everything, tv: the good wife, memes: writing

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