the road goes through dallas

Dec 11, 2011 19:43

I'm making the honey rolls for my work holiday potluck tomorrow, and it must be really humid today or something because the dough was just super-sticky even after I added more flour. Hopefully they turn out well.


This afternoon, fleurdeleo and I went to see The Muppets. ♥♥♥♥ My face aches from smiling so hard. I'm not sure how it worked for the ( Read more... )

this is captain america calling, chris evans' undeniable attractions, muppets, dan rydell: doer of wonderful deeds, flove, movies, you should totally write that, writing is hard!

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pollitt December 12 2011, 05:19:18 UTC
ARGH. I just lost my original comment. @#)$%^&*(

There is a huge amount of eyefucking in that bit.

♥ Yes, yes there is <3

It makes me all heart-clenchy. I ship it so hard, you guys, and there is so little fic. It makes me a sad panda.

I am so with you there. When they announced the movie and then the casting, the first thing that came to mind was HOMGYAY! There will *have* to be Steve/Bucky fic. Have to be. And then there has been a sad lack.

All I want are Steve/Bucky cuddles and makeouts. Is that too much to ask?

No. No it isn’t.

I mean how can someone look at the cap (and your icon) and not see what’s going on. Not know that maybe after that scene, after Steve talks to Phillips and Bucky’s been checked out by the medic, that someone set them up in tents, and Bucky wants to just, Christ, take a hot shower and wash every memory of that damn facility off of his skin. But he settles for heating water. He's staring at the sterno and waiting for the first hints of steam when he hears the fabric of the tent shift and the sound of ( ... )


musesfool December 12 2011, 05:37:52 UTC
YES YES YES! THIS! <3 <3 <3


ETA: Also, let me know if you post this somewhere else so I can link to it in my recs!


pollitt December 12 2011, 05:50:34 UTC
Whee! <3 <3 <3

I have been WANTING to write some Steve/Bucky (and, well, any fic more than a hundred words here or there) lately and thank you for your post, which apparently kicked my muses into gear :D

I'll repost it to AO3 and my journal probably in the a.m. and will certainly let you know! Thanks!

(also, man, I need a Steve and Bucky icon.)


musesfool December 12 2011, 06:11:07 UTC
I am always glad to help people write fic I want to read! *g* And I really enjoyed that.


pollitt December 13 2011, 00:49:17 UTC
Thank you (time two! :)

I wrangled a bit of an opening for the ficlet and posted it at my LJ and at AO3


musesfool December 13 2011, 01:01:55 UTC
Excellent! *adds link to pinboard*


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