you're growing old so young

Dec 01, 2011 21:48



Oh my god, what an awesome episode! I fell in love with the show in the episode where Shirley and Jeff became gossip buddies ("tiny nipples!" so happy to get that shoutout tonight!) and this episode, where it turns out that they met as kids and had life-altering effects on each other - created each other, basically - was absolutely brilliant and I'm so glad Shirley got stuff to do because she is my stealth favorite. And wow, I really felt for Jeff here, instead of my usual lukewarm to indifferent feelings about him.

The Annie breaks Abed's superspecial Batman dvd subplot was less awesome, but still had some funny stuff in it - Annie's overly elaborate explanations and Troy's responses. If Abed is Batman, Annie is absolutely Tim. (Which makes Troy Dick, which works... shockingly well, actually, especially if you consider Annie's stalking him through high school before finally getting to be his bff.)

Mostly, though SHIRLEY! AND JEFF! BFF! ♥

Six seasons and a movie, guys, please? Or at least four seasons and a graduation ceremony?


Here's a link to a glowing review of Princeless, which is an AMAZING comic about a princess named Adrienne whose father locks her in a tower and sets a dragon to guard her, and how she is not having with that. This is the story I wish Disney and Pixar would tell. I actually bought the first issue and I plan to buy each successive one, and then the whole thing if it is released in trade, so I can put my money where my mouth is. Depending on how the story goes, I might already have one of my yuletide fandoms for next year. *snerk*


Continuing on with the "comics for kids that are awesome for adults, too" theme, here's an interview with Art Baltazar and Franco, the dudes who make Tiny Titans.



I got my
white_lotus assignment this evening. Yay! I think it is very doable, though I also think I need to come up with a plot.

Dear White_Lotus writer:

I'm really easy to please. I like humor and hopeful endings and eucatastrophe and banter and people who are friends hanging out and being friends!

My requests (if I remember correctly) were:

1. a reunion for Ursa, Azula, and Zuko. In this I'd be really interested in how Ursa responds to the changes in her kids' status, and also how Azula is coming along after the end of the series. I love Azula, and my heart breaks for her, and I'd like to see her find some sort of balance. Zuko, also.

2. Sokka & Zuko buddy shenanigans. I think I said fic or graphics for this? I don't recall? But yes. Sokka and Zuko being bros and getting up to ridiculous hijinks (of the non-sexy sort; I don't mind slashing them but that's not really what I want out of this request).

3. Sokka/Suki negotiating their post-series relationship. Do they live in the South Pole part time and on Kyoshi Island part time? Or do they carry on a long distance romance? or what?

Basically, I love all the characters and will be happy with whatever you come up with!




Speaking of AtLA, I thought the discussion in the comments of Iroh's characterization and motivation in this week's AV Club recap of Lake Laogai/The Earth King was pretty fantastic. I know that the comments there can be trolly and faily sometimes, but there is some good discussion, too, and that really was.


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tv: community, avatar state yip yip, comics: tiny titans, comics: princeless

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