who's gonna know who's the one?

Nov 10, 2011 21:32

Community: Studies in Modern Movement

I laughed a lot. A lot. I loved that Troy and Abed realized they needed Annie more than they needed the dreamatorium, or, rather, that she needed her own room more than they needed theirs (though I find it really hard to believe that ANNIE of all people was moving into their apartment without having specced out every inch of that second bedroom).

Shirley & Britta! I love when they're together, and even more when they actually end up finding common ground and bonding. The show needs to get Jeff and Shirley back together for some hilarity soon, too. I also laughed at Jeff's "and after that, maybe a blazer." When he's not trying to impress other people, he cares more about his clothes than about getting laid. That does not surprise me at all. I also laughed a lot at "I'm just a Craigular Joe." I love when the show does that stuff. And then, karaoke with the Dean. *dies* Also, Troy and Abed's play for Annie. B-bed the unicorn! And then Jeff crying at the end over the horsebot. And of course, the fact that the Dean tweeted the karaoke thing so everyone knew about it. Hee!

I really hope that Troy and Abed and Annie can make a go of it, and not just because I also OT3 them. I think there's a lot of hilarity to be mined from them living together but not always liking each other or feeling like they spend too much time together. I also really liked Britta's advice that sometimes you really do have to go with the flow, but I thought Annie's rant about how sometimes maybe people should try to fit in with her instead of her always having to conform to other people was spot-on, too.

So that really worked for me.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/393499.html.
people have commented there.

tv: community

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