there's someone else i've got to be

Nov 04, 2011 22:46

Young Justice

Um, really? It was all a simulation? That's what you're going with? A super-intense Kobayashi Maru? Not that I don't think Batman wouldn't put his kids through a no-win scenario test, but it's kind of a cheat in terms of storytelling for a full episode (I was totally with Wally on the Zeta beam thing; I kind of wanted him to be right and be the big hero. He has been much less annoying now that he isn't being gross about M'gann anymore.)

Otoh, I liked Wally being all "ARTEMIS!" and also how M'gann is THE MOST POWERFUL TELEPATH OMG! (I liked her being comforted by Captain Marvel, who was probably hugging her as much for his own comfort as for hers; aw) And poor SB's "there's a lot I'll never know about Superman"/"I'm not Superman!"/"It's what Superman would do." thing. (WHEN IS SUPERMAN GOING TO FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGE HIM? WHEN?) Also, Kaldur sacrificing himself and Robin taking over and being all, "No, he wouldn't sacrifice Superboy, he'd sacrifice himself and put us in this position!" Poor Dick. No 13yo should have to be in that position.

So if it was all a simulation, how did we get to see Barbara and Bette and Alfred? Was M'gann just pulling stuff from everybody's head?

Lastly, I could have done without that little inspirational press conference thingy. Ugh.



Canon confirmation that Nina raised Olivia and Rachel! And is probably sleeping with Broyles. I'm curious as to whether they could have used Dr. Truss's work to regrown Nina's arm, but I'm happier that she has a ROBOT ARM so whatever. (There should be fic with her and Bucky and whoever else has a ROBOT ARM; like, they have a Bionic Person club or something and meet for drinks the last Thursday of every month.)

Nadine was pretty badass. Too bad Newton's not still around - I'd have loved to see them team up and just kill everybody.

QUANTUM TYPEWRITER RULES ALL. I love that freaking thing.

I knew Nadine had turned into the FBI agent when he wasn't dead and was like, "She jumped." I was actually waiting for her to push Olivia into the water when Olivia went to the edge to look. Also, was anyone else waiting for Broyles to suggest Peter was a shapeshifter and that they should cut him open to look for his memory disk?

Also, I liked how all the beakers and equipment in the lab was bright and shiny amber or yellow when Nina went to visit Walter. That scene was so amazingly powerful, so of course I was paying attention to all the yellow in the background. And Peter wore blue the whole time (and Walter was in green). Olivia also had a blue shirt on. In the preview for next week, there was also a lot of blue light around Peter. When there was the time slip thing there, I wondered if it was the blue-verse timeline trying to reassert itself now that Peter is back, but I guess we'll find out next week.

As much as I enjoy Peter being smart, I would have preferred to see Astrid work on codebreaking. Also, I get the feeling that I'm supposed to see Lincoln as sort of advocating for Peter/Olivia, but mostly I get that Lincoln has a crush on Peter (I'm still thinking blue!Lincoln is gay and was in love with JFlan), and I loved that Olivia invited him out, but I think if I'm going for any Olivia/Lincoln pairing, it's got to be our Olivia/red!Lincoln. Or they could bring blue (though I guess it would amber now) Frank into the picture for her. I might still possibly kind of have issues with Peter/Olivia after last season. *hands*

I also really liked the last scene between Peter and Walter. Way to break my heart, show.


brownbetty had the best fic idea ever:
I really want the story of Steve Rogers' adventures with the Chorus Girls on his "Buy War Bonds" tour. And the thing is, (and not to dissuade anyone from writing the one where he's the tour bycycle (c'mon, he's pretty much the last man left on the continent, he's on tour with a bunch of chorus girls, and he looks like Captain America)) but I really just want the story where they're all "Let us teach you to dance the Charleston/talk to women/do a high kick!" and defend him from the predations of the townies, because he's totally saving himself for Peggy.

I would read the hell out of that story (which isn't to say I wouldn't read the "lots of ladies take Steve out for a spin" story either, because I would), but I think this idea has some serious power behind it and someone should write it (and keep it completely gen without any *cough* future pairings impinging on it). If I were any good at writing original characters, I would totally take a crack at it.


Oh my god, my iPod keeps almost dying and freaking me out. Please don't do that! I can't afford a new one right now!


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technology is not my friend, tv: young justice, tv: fringe, you should totally write that

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