heartache to heartache we stand

Oct 20, 2011 11:22

Last night, I met up with
bethbethbeth and we went to the 92nd Street Y to see Andy Borowitz and a panel of comedy writers on writing comedy. It was a lot of fun. The panel was Calvin Trillin, Nora Ephron, and Jenny Allen (I was not familiar with her, but apparently she writes for the New Yorker).


So my dad's new iMac arrived yesterday and he hooked it up and he was very pleased and excited right up until he tried to load some software and it wouldn't accept his password. Since I'm not there, I don't know if he typed it in wrong or if he changed it or what, but he's irritated now, so I don't envy whoever he gets on the phone to fix it. Dealing with him can be difficult. I warned him that he'd need the password every time, but he didn't seem clear on the concept until actually confronted with it. Oops?


Stories people should write for me:

= the one where Bucky!Cap and Dick!Batman meet for a drink and compare notes about stepping into their mentors' masks. (and possibly the side story where Steve and Bruce meet while they are unstuck in time and punch Nazis together again.)

= the one where there is a Food Network show about eating on rooftops with Spider-Man (hey, he doesn't have daddy's money to fall back on and uniforms and web fluid are expensive. why shouldn't he parlay his crime-fighting celebrity into a lucrative TV career?). Local cuisine and commentary! superheroes stopping by for snacks! Interviews with celebrity chefs! Someone should write this for me immediately!

= the one where Kate Bishop and Tim Drake know each other from rich kids camp somehow and then discover each other's secret identities. Bonus points if Billy takes Tim aside and gives him pointers on wooing half-alien boyfriends and Tim is just like, "I do not have inappropriate feelings for my clone boy teammate. Shut up!"


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/384310.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, we make our own fun, you should totally write that

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