sick burns on my beats, god

Oct 14, 2011 12:18

Both yesterday and today, the alt-text on Dinosaur Comics has cracked me up. If I ever get a dog of my own, I might have to seriously consider naming it Rex Luthor.

Last night, mousapelli told me they were having crazy thunderstorms where she was, and that they were likely headed in my direction. Smash cut to sometime after 1 am and being woken up by HUGE THUNDER BOOMERS AND LIGHTNING. Ugh. I did not get a good night's sleep after that, so I got up about half an hour early and took a shower. Normally, I shower at night, so this was like a surprise extra shower with bonus hair washing! It doesn't quite make up for 30 minutes of lost sleep, but I also got to look at Tumblr before I went to work, so I guess it was all right.

I spent most of my morning, the parts where I wasn't on a conference call regarding pension plan audits (how is this my life? as our CFO said to me the other day, "the only people who love auditors are their mothers." I laughed. also, said conference call lasted only 20 of the 90 minutes it was scheduled for; note to self: Don't let Boss2 schedule things because he pads the schedule), tweaking Pinboard to be prettier, using stuff mentioned in here and here.

God, what would we do without murklins and all these awesome scripts? Now I just need to figure out how to change the format for how the dates display (I would prefer month-date-year to year-month-date, which is how it is now). And I just have to keep track of all the changes so I can also implement them at home. *snerk*

But I feel like I'm finally accepting that the way I used to use Delicious is not going to work anymore with the new version (though I still forget sometimes and save links there), and that I have to just go forward with Pinboard. Hence the prettifying. The one thing I miss is the ability to have the link visible in addition to the title and comments and tags - then when I was ready to make a recs post, I could just c&p into Word and code it rather than having to right click and copy each link individually. I know, I know, my life, so hard.

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with Pinboard. Hopefully that will last for a while.

(I'm also trying to fight the urge to change the style of my DW, since I like the style I have, but there are so many other pretty ones!)


I posted a story last night:

Pentimenti (at AO3)
Captain America (comics); Bucky, Steve; g; 1,480 words
Bucky always hated "The Gift of the Magi."

I am amused by that summary, since it basically appears to have fuck-all to do with the story (it's relevant, I swear!), which should more rightly be summarized, "Bucky has a nice wallow and buys Steve some art supplies," but that didn't amuse me as much. Also, the story is in second person, so if the seemingly useless summary doesn't drive you away, the POV choice will. *snerk*

No, seriously, though, I know some people are unhappy about kudos on AO3, feeling that they take away from people leaving actual comments, but I have to tell you, since I've started more frequently posting things that I know will only get one or two comments (five comments is considered a cornucopia in these parts these days!), I've been so grateful for kudos, because they tell me that there are other people interested in these stories that I want to tell, despite knowing that there really isn't much of an audience (besides me) for them, at least among the people reading this LJ/DW (I still have not sought out any comms for any of this stuff, and I probably won't).

I honestly think I get two or three kudos notifications every day on random stories, most of which got few comments when I posted them on LJ/DW.(Oddly enough, most of them are on the Dick/Jason stuff, which pleases me.) And most of them are anonymous, so I really don't think those folks would be commenting if there were no kudos function.

Let's face it, a story (by me) about Bucky buying Steve art supplies or teaching Kate Bishop to swing dance, or an animated!YJ M'gann/Artemis PWP is not really going to rack up comments and I don't expect them to - getting one or two is happy-making for me, because that means someone else liked this random thing I was interested in writing about. But getting a steady trickle of kudos on them long after I've moved on is even more pleasing, and I don't think that happens much with comments, at least not on the bulk of stuff I've written.

Obviously, I can only speak to my own experience with this. Others' mileage may vary.


This entry at DW:
people have commented there.

writing: neuroses, redecorating, i should've been a librarian, on feedback, my life so hard, the chinese buffet

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