let's get real, let's get heavy

Oct 11, 2011 09:58

Last night, I wrote words on three different stories! Forward motion! I remember what this feels like! Of course, it was all after I was supposed to be in bed, and also I lost the battle with that one story about being in second person (stupid brain) but so far I'm at least holding fast against Tony Stark's daddy issues (a fight no one could possibly win, but I figure I only have to hold them off for a couple thousand words, so it should be okay).

Of course, all that late night productivity means I'm kind of a zombie today, but I was almost early this morning, except I forgot my metrocard in my other jacket and had to go back inside, so my morning commute was one of missed connections, as first the bus and then the train shut the doors in my face. Sigh. Tuesday, all the way down.

On the upside, yesterday, I retried the disastrous chocolate yogurt cake, this time in an angel food cake pan, and voila!

It's very good, moist and soft and not too sweet. I approve.


odditycollector, just when you think DC has basically fucked up everything they have to fuck up, you learn, that no, there is more fucking up yet to come! In DC COMICS-THE NEW 52, Wonder Woman will have a new origin, in which she is the daughter of Hippolyta ... and Zeus! In recent interviews, writer Brian Azzarello and artist Cliff Chiang have teased that readers should expect the unexpected in this edgier, horror take on the superhero genre ­and the king of the gods will ensure that nothing goes as planned for his defiant daughter. Ugh ugh ugh. SO WRONG. DO NOT WANT. I think the worst part was that the first issue was pretty good, but this just turns me off completely.


In better news, Gaslight Anthem covers Pearl Jam! That is a pretty awesome rendition of "State of Love and Trust," which always makes me think of the scene where it plays in "Singles," and the one girl says to the other, "Will we still go dancing?" and her friend answers, "We'll always go dancing." (This was highly resonant to me and my friends at 21.) (If anyone knows how to rip a copy, I would love to have one. *cough*)

In other musical news, I was going to do this meme where you list pairings you like and hit shuffle and something something, but the results were... hilarious at best and deeply odd at worst, so instead, just have fifteen songs my iPod spit out on shuffle. (Not that I don't always have it on shuffle, 'cause I do, but this was restarted for this specific meme purpose.)

Love Her Madly - the Doors
Crazy Love - Thea Gilmore
Plainsong - the Cure
Your Woman - White Town
I Wish I Was the Moon - Neko Case
Ain't Nobody - Chaka Khan
She's Always a Woman - Billy Joel
Camera One - Josh Joplin Group
Ever Fallen in Love - Buzzcocks
She Brakes for Rainbows - B-52s
Tanglewood Tree - Dave Carter & Tracey Grammer
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
My Baby Just Cares for Me - Nina Simone
Shake the Disease - Depeche Mode
How You Like Me Now - The Heavy



This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/379995.html.
people have commented there.

gaslight anthem, adventures in cooking, recipes, music, just a typical prototype, writing is hard!, comics: wonder woman

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