i think the past is trying to kill me

Sep 04, 2011 22:23

In the grand tradition of staying up too late on AIM and writing fic almost nobody wants to read, I posted a story last night:

One equal temper of heroic hearts (on AO3)
DCU; Batman/Wonder Woman; adult; 1,580 words
Bruce and Diana reconcile at Nanda Parbat.

While it technically takes place towards the end of 52, I don't think knowledge of that storyline is necessary for the story to work. Also, Bruce's characterization is heavily influenced by the animated JLU (mostly because that's the version I like best). It didn't turn out like I expected, because there was a lot less groveling and lot more of Diana being way too accepting of Bruce's particular brand of emotional idiocy.


So I read the first volume of Young Avengers, and oh my god, Kate Bishop, where have you been all my life? I'm also quite fond of Eli and Billy and Teddy, but Kate is my overall favorite! So awesome! I found all the Skrull-Kree blah blah blah less than thrilling, but I really did like the kids and would like to read more about them, especially Kate and Eli.

And then, because apparently Young Avengers crosses over with Runaways at some point, I finally read the first volume of that (I think I mentioned that I've owned a bunch of the trades for years but had put them down and never picked them back up until now), and I love that they're awesome girls kicking ass.

I also love the repeated mentions of how there are no teenage sidekicks§ in the Marvelverse because of Bucky's death, and how every time someone mentions it to Steve, he looks like someone killed his best friend again. I kind of want to hug him and tell him it's okay, he'll get Bucky back eventually.

And I was reminded that Joss Whedon took over writing Runaways at some point, and it makes sense, given that it's about teenage girls with superpowers. Last night on AIM, I said to
snacky, I keep forgetting that he's directing (and writing? I don't know if he's writing it) the Avengers movie, because there's no waifish teenage girl with superpowers, and we figured that if he gets to direct the sequel, possibly he'll make Wanda over into his preferred type. She seems like the most likely candidate, anyway, and then there could be Wanda/Pietro. Which amuses me.

§ I don't know how that works with Logan's succession of teen girl sidekicks, but I guess they're not officially his sidekicks and also, all of them can kick his ass.


Ugh, I've got the Avatar marathon on, and I've never watched the show on actual television before, and the commercials on Nicktoons make me want to stab myself in the face.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/365599.html.
people have commented there.

comics: runaways, joss, avatar state yip yip, avengers assemble, comics: young avengers

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