lift your head up in the wind

Aug 30, 2011 21:09

Holy crap, I just sobbed my way through the last three issues of Ultimate Spider-Man. Like, "Mud Bowl" levels of sobbing, which is possibly the most I have ever cried over fictional characters (though there are many other candidates, that's the one that sticks in my mind, along with various West Wing eps, certain Buffy eps, and Return of the King). And now I have a headache. I'm glad I waited until I got home, because that would have been unpleasant on the subway.

I'm also glad that Aunt May got to slap Captain America, because wow, he totally deserved it for being such a miserable asshole to Peter. Which, I don't know, still doesn't seem like Steve Rogers to me, from my limited exposure, so whatever. You suck, Ultimate Captain America. You should have stayed frozen.

I also don't understand how they all just left Peter there after he took a bullet for Cap. What the fuck was that? It's really sad when J. Jonah Jameson is a better friend to Spider-Man than Captain America. Ugh. Also, was I supposed to believe Nick Fury was sincere at the end? Because I want to, but I don't think I can. Ugh. It was supposed to be easier knowing he dies, but it was worse, because of all the foreshadowing. I hope the new kid gets a better deal.

I just started writing a Captain America/Middleman crossover and now I feel like I kind of need a few days to get Ult!Cap's assholery out of my head before I can go back to it.

Speaking of Middleman, I didn't realize Javier Grillo-Marxuach was involved with the new Charlie's Angels. He's some kind of producer on it or something. Which means there could possibly actually be female friendships depicted on it. I'm still going to let my flist vet it before I decide to watch, but I'm slightly less skeptical than I was previously.


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tv: middleman, comics: ultimate spider-man

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