i can't keep myself away from me

Jul 28, 2011 10:15

This whole LJ downtime thing has made me realize I have a bunch of fic that is archived nowhere else but LJ. I should fix that when it comes back up, mostly because it's not the stuff that I would be okay about if it disappeared from the internets forever. I doubt anyone is looking for it, but it'd be nice if they could find it on AO3 if they were. Being on the other side of that, the reader who is looking for a favorite story that can't be found anywhere else but LJ, brought that home to me last night.

If you need a DW account code, I put some up here and there's a ton on
dw_codesharing that haven't been used yet.

If you need an AO3 account, I still have some invites left from remix, so you can leave an email address in the comments if you want one. Also, AO3 isn't just for writers - if you're a reader and you want an account - for bookmarking and commenting purposes - that's good, too.


I sent my lease renewal back yesterday. I went for the 2year option, even though it's quite a bit more a month, mostly because even thinking about apartment hunting makes me ill. And also, even though the legal rent is ridiculous for my tiny shoebox of an apartment, with all the discounts, it's still at the lower end of 1br rents in my neighborhood. Maybe in 2 years I'll be ready to move, but right now I have neither the money nor the intestinal fortitude to deal with it.


The other day I saw someone wondering why anyone would be on Xavier's side in a Team Charles/Team Erik kind of thing and I don't know about you, but I want to side with the guy who isn't going to advocate for the genocide of humanity or attempt to turn some small percentage of us into mutants and kill off the rest. *hands* Erik is a fascinating and tragic character with reasons for doing the stuff he does (well, not for his Magneto costume, maybe, though I guess being FABulous is as good a reason as any for that), but his methods leave something to be desired.

I thought of this last night because I rewatched the BSG mini, and I really like Adama's speech - why do we, as a species, deserve to live? The question is never really answered, or, it's answered continually, in the actions of the people who survive. (Whether the answer is positive or negative is up to you.)


I was having a really difficult time writing the porn in this story I'm working on, and not just because I've never written from the POV character's POV before, or written the other characters at all, but I think last night on my way home, I realized how it has to go in order to make the point of the story. Now if it would just be as hot on the page as it is in my head. Sigh.

Writing is hard, yo.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/352243.html.
people have commented there.

on archiving, life, housekeeping, tv: bsg, writing is hard!, mutants

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