they've been pitching him in

Jul 20, 2011 22:24

Three things make a post, right?

= I don't know how long it's going to go on for, but Amazon is having a sale on Kindle books - I just got Zoo City by Lauren Beukes, which was recced by a couple of you, for 99¢, and I saw a couple of other interesting items in the $2.99 list amidst all the new age and self-help crap.

Speaking of Kindle, does anyone know if you can use a gift certificate to buy Kindle stuff? so far I have not been able to figure out how to do that.

= So I mentioned a few weeks ago that I'd been having terrible trouble with my hair being dry and knotty and really in awful shape, and the one thing that worked for me as a conditioner at that time was Oyin's honey-hemp conditioner, which in addition to being a great rinse out conditioner, also works as a leave-in conditioner and smells absolutely amazing. I'm so grateful that
zvi mentioned it and that I checked it out. I've also been using Greg Juice (terrible name, awesome product) as a detangler/leave-in conditioner. It also smells fantastic. My hair is thick, somewhat coarse, moderately wavy, and it knots up like that's its job, and these two products have helped make it much easier to deal with, even before I got the worst of it cut off, so consider this a strong recommendation. Especially for the honey-hemp conditioner. The scent is amazing.

= I understand that yesterday was Tim Drake's birthday. Does he just turn 17 again or what? *is amused* That makes him a Cancer like me. I guess I can see it.



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