to you I'm a symbol or a monument

Jul 19, 2011 10:25

Links and, uh, stuff!

# Another birthday fic for me:

Locutionary Acts by dotfic, in which Astrid starts hearing things. Takes all the creepy possibility from canon and turns it adorable. Yay, Astrid! ♥

# It was 95° yesterday, so of course I spent an hour jackassing around lower Manhattan in search of ice cream scoops for our annual office ice cream party. I ended up at Whole Foods, because by that point, I was not making it the extra half block to Bed, Bath and Beyond. I also ended up buying lunch at Whole Foods, and let me tell you, the pizza was not bad for the $3.75 it cost, but the iced coffee was awful and it cost ~$5. AWFUL. And since I bought my morning iced coffee at the newsstand in the lobby of the building (also awful, but drinkable), yesterday was the day of AWFUL COFFEE. SO SAD.

# 40 Artists Reflect on Nevermind. I can't believe it came out 20 years ago (in September, anyway). Jesus. I remember that I was so enthralled listening to it that when everybody else scurried off the C train because of a bomb threat (fake), I just sat there with my headphones on, enjoying the music. And the cops were like, "Miss, did you see anything?" and I was like, "No." and they were like, "Why didn't you get off the train with everyone else?" and I said, "Because it's not my stop!" (We were at Euclid Ave. This was when the C still went all the way out to the Rockaways, and thus, stopped at 80th & Hudson, which was my stop.) And they were like, "didn't you hear the announcement?" And I was like, "Um, no? Is the train out of service?" *hands* It's a very compelling album! So, yeah.

# I didn't realize I had really strong feelings about Superman until recently, but reading about the plans for him in the DCU reboot is actually kind of upsetting. Why are they making Superman into Batman? Why do they think that's a good idea? Isn't the whole point of Superman that he rescues kittens and gives awesome hugs when he's not out saving the world? That he's the most powerful person on the planet but his mom can still scold him when he's being a jerk? I mean, seriously. Also, that new uniform is a horror show. He has a t-shirt with a cape. WTF? Edna Mode would not approve. (Speaking of Superman/Batman, this is amusing.)

# Otoh, the one thing they seem to be doing right is not cancelling Tiny Titans. They're bringing out an all Batgirl issue! \o/

# I really try not to be one of those overwrought, humorless, defensive shippers who can't bear to hear anything bad about their pairings, even jokingly, but when I reblogged this the other day, I had to force myself not to write an essay about how they don't have an unhealthy relationship, okay? I mean, any more than any person who is in a relationship with Tim Drake is in an unhealthy relationship, because duh! But I stopped myself, mostly because that's not how I engage with tumblr, but also because I don't like to think of myself as that fan. Except, apparently, I totally am in this case. *facepalm* I still think it's funny, but I don't think it has to be true. Possibly I will write more Tim/Kon just to comfort myself on that score.

# And, as if it knows what I was posting about, my iPod coughs up "You Are What You Love," containing the lyrics But at arms length, it's Tim who said / I'm good at it, I've mastered it / Avoiding, avoiding everything / But you are what you love, Tim / And not what loves you back. Heh. Given who Tim loves, he's making out on this deal, I think.


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comics: tiny titans, otp/shipping, my birthday, batman, capes and cowls, music, don't make me shoot you, comics, i am okay with that!

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