i was the cosmic kid in full costume dress

Jun 30, 2011 10:47

Top 5 Songs - June 2011

6. Little Secrets - Passion Pit

5. Backwards Walk - Frightened Rabbit

4. Augustine - Vienna Teng

3. Sweet Talk, Sweet Talk - the New Pornographers

2. Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) - Panic at the Disco

1. Sing - My Chemical Romance

I don't even like MCR. Except for this one song, which is great for commuting. I don't even know. Somewhere, angelgazing is laughing her ass off.

(NB: I only like the music. I have no interest in bandom as a fandom. Sorry.)


Monthly Writing Roundup - June 2011

Dig for Fire
X-Men: First Class; Charles, Alex, Scott Summers; g; 760 words
"I have a brother."

I still can't believe I wrote XMM again, and it's not even angsty Charles/Erik.

Ink for Yourself
Superboy; Kon/Tim; adult; 5,220 words
"You entertain yourself by drawing on your arm with a Sharpie?"


I love this pairing so much! I will probably write more Tim/Kon shenanigans (and possibly Tim/Kon/Steph and Tim/Kon/Cassie), once I've cleared a couple of wsip off the decks.

I'd hoped to have the Tim/Tam/Steph story finished this month, but Tim's POV is hard. Also, he's having sex with girls. Two at the same time! I kind of can't wrap my head around it (and neither can he!), which makes it slow going. I mean, I tend to view most characters as flexibly bisexual when it comes to writing fic about them and making them have sex with whoever I want them to, but occasionally there are characters who aren't amenable to that. Mostly I'm getting around it by telling myself that for this story, Tim is less interested in sex qua sex than he is intensely attracted to certain people (Dick, Kon, Steph, Tam) and only recently has he identified it as sexual attraction, so he's sort of fumbling his way through what it all means. *hands* My original impression of his sexuality as "it's complicated" stands.

The other night I discovered that I actually own a cover version of Human Behavior by the Decemberists, and it pinged in my head as a Tim song. (I already kind of have his musical taste pegged as leaning heavily towards stuff like Bjork and Goldfrapp and Radiohead and the Decemberists - I'm willing to go with the Depeche Mode and the Clash, per canon, though I believe him when he says the Enya was a gift [probably from Dick, probably as a joke]- so that works. What can I say? Some people need to know characters' favorite ice cream flavor or earliest memory to get into their heads. I need to know their iPod playlists.)

I also heard Very First Lie by Material Issue for the first time in ages and it made me think of him and Steph and the issues that still lie between them ("and I would like to tell the very first lie").

So maybe having songs associated with him will help me in getting the story written, because it has to be from his POV, because it's about him going from observer to participant in his relationships (well, mostly it's about him having sex with hot girls who want to have sex with him and with each other, but you know what I mean).

And that's a lot of talk about a story no one's going to want to read when it's done. *snerk*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/341469.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, capes and cowls, writing: my stories, top 5 songs, writing is hard!

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