i choose to keep him protected

Jun 27, 2011 10:27

Left over from a post I started but didn't finish last night:

Sokka: "My first girlfriend turned into the moon."

Zuko: "That's rough, buddy."

It never ceases to amaze me how I spend the second half of season 3 cooing over Zuko and his hilariously adorable dorktasticness. And also how much I want ALL the Sokka & Zuko bro shenanigans. I don't even want them to be slashy. I just want them to be dorktastic and cause unintended mayhem and possibly fight crime together. Maybe while they are watching over the teashop while Iroh is on vacation. and then Toph has to bail them out of trouble before Suki, Katara, and Mai find out.

Another story I yearn for tragically, unrelated to AtLA, is the Excellent Adventures of Kon-El & Paco Tejas. Because that is a lot of awesome hilarity waiting to happen. And a lot of long-suffering facepalming for Jaime, Brenda, and Tim.

You know, my birthday's only a couple of weeks away...hint hint...


In other news, it just took me, no lie, about fifteen minutes (in two separate browsers) to delete one spam comment on LJ. What the hell?


I'm not sure I followed the plot of last night's Leverage (except for how Nate is still a dumbass), but I sure did tear up fast when Parker said she wanted to be a good person, wanted to be like Hardison and Sophie and do the right thing. And then Eliot talked her down and reminded her that while it's good to want to do the right thing, sometimes it's good to be the way they are, and able to get what needs to be done, done. Oh, *heart*.

Also, are Parker and Hardison dating? Did I miss something? I feel like I didn't even see the last season finale, because I had no idea what was going on. I mean, it's possible I didn't see it? Leverage is a show that basically erases its plot details from my memory even as I watch it, but usually I pick up on all the relationship stuff. But there was hugging! Both Hardison/Eliot and Parker/Hardison! And Parker wants to meet Hardison's nana! This is progress! ♥


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/340021.html.
people have commented there.

avatar state yip yip, tv: leverage, you should totally write that

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