something in the way you love me won't let me be

Jun 13, 2011 11:44

So I got the first big mosquito bite of the season on Saturday night and even though I took a benadryl last night to sleep through the itching, it didn't work. Ugh. I don't know why sometimes it knocks me right out and sometimes I just get fuzzy and drowsy but can't sleep, but I wish there were some consistency to it. It took forever for me to fall asleep and then I woke up a lot just before the sleep got to the point of being good and deep. So I am kind of a zombie today, which is bad because I have a thing I need to make progress on because I have a meeting this afternoon that I've basically postponed three times because I wasn't done with this project yet and ugh. Just ugh. Turning bullet points about purchasing procedures into a narrative (also about purchasing procedures) isn't anyone's idea of a good time, amirite?


In my post on Friday, I asked for recommendations of Wonder Woman stuff to read (I am honestly surprised anyone picked that out of that post, as it was an aside buried in a lengthy ramble), so this weekend I acquired and read a couple of the recs:

JLA: A League of One was recommended as "Wonder Woman fights a dragon," and it is an apt description, so if that sounds appealing to you, you'd probably enjoy it. Also, Wonder Woman takes out the whole JLA in order to fight the dragon alone, for reasons which are actually compelling - I like how she was basically the only one who could have fought it and won, for reasons that actually grow out of her characterization - but which make them all side-eye her a little bit at the end. I really enjoyed it. Though I would have liked more WW/Batman interaction and less WW/Superman interaction. IJS. (Though we all know that Bruce would be like, "You shouldn't have kept us all out of the loop, except that is totally how I would have handled it!" so maybe it's best he just kept his mouth shut and let Clark be the hypocrite this time around.) Anyway, some of the artwork is gorgeous, as you can see here.

Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia by Greg Rucka was also recommended, and I think so far I've liked everything I've read by him and this is no exception. It's basically a Greek tragedy involving Diana and Batman, haunting and atmospheric. Plus, it has this page in it (also the cover image), in which Wonder Woman basically puts her boot on Batman's face. Worth it for that alone, but I really liked the story, as well, though again, I'd have liked more interaction between them at the end. I can't help it, okay? The Justice League cartoon totally made me ship them!

So I would totally recommend these two - they're both one-shots, and though The Hiketeia is apparently out of print, you can get it secondhand.

Then I read two arcs which weren't part of the recommendations, one I enjoyed and one which I thought was less successful. The latter was something where Diana wakes up with amnesia, in what appears to be the graveyard of the gods (which gods? all of them!) and some red-eyed vampire dudes trying to kill her. I liked her relationship with Trevor, the hot UN dude (what is it with her and guys named Trevor?), but I dunno. The writing could have been better. Also, the lack of a familiar supporting cast hurts, I think, which is possibly a problem overall for Wonder Woman? Does she even have a rogues gallery besides the Greek gods? Anyway, I don't remember what this arc was called, but I believe it's right before the Greg Rucka run on volume 2, so the issue numbers are up in the high 190s. (It was part of the bundle of stuff I acquired, so I read it.)

I also read Wonder Woman: Gods of Gotham, because I obviously can't resist WW/Batman interaction (and this provided some backstory to one of the long WW/Batman stories I recced a while ago). This was over the top in a fun way, with the Greek gods Phobos, Deimos and Eris coming to Gotham and possessing the Joker, Scarecrow, and Poison Ivy in order to set up a base from which to take over the world. Mostly what I liked about it was the way Wonder Woman and Batman, Dick and Donna (I know I'm just supposed to think they are awesome BFFs, but have you met me? Of course I kind of ship it, though really, any permutation of Dick/Kory/Donna/Roy makes sense to me), and Tim and Cassie all worked together. With a bonus Huntress/Artemis team up. (Also, it amuses me that this was a story with characters named Diana, Artemis, and Huntress in it.) I especially liked how Batman was all, "I don't have faith in gods, Princess, but I have faith in you." And then it's sort of echoed in how Dick and Donna work together, how they each trust the other one to pick up on the cues instead of having long discussions about what to do in the middle of a fight. So that was enjoyable.

And now I have icons! So it's all good.

I guess I should get back to my purchasing procedures now, huh? Sigh.


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