and now my bitter hands cradle broken glass

Jun 11, 2011 20:16

It was grey and damp and a little chilly out today, a big change from our recent heatwave. I met up with fleurdeleo to drop some stuff off at Housing Works (I finally got rid of a bunch of shoes and boots that either pinch my toes or give me blisters), and then to lunch. I had a really good burger. Then I came home and took a nap, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but in reality has left me sluggish and headachy. Bah. Also, I dreamt that Batman found a baby in a shoebox on the steps of Gotham Cathedral in the rain. IDEK. I might have to write fic, even though the comics did a great job with it (see icon).

Yesterday, I saw the eye doctor and I'm getting new contacts, which is good, since the ones I have now are really old. She was like, yeah, we don't recommend those anymore. And I got a new pair of non-prescription sunglasses, since my favorite pair broke and I can't find any of the crappy cheap pairs I've accumulated over the years.

A few days ago, mousapelli gave me five things to talk about:

1. sangria!

We often drink this beverage when we go out together! It is very tasty. Actually, it's the only way, along with mulling, that I find red wine drinkable. I have tried your merlots and your cabernets and your petite syrahs, and it all tastes like musty basement to me. Sometimes it's a dry musty basement and sometimes it's a fruity one, but the musty basement taste is a constant. I know, I fail as an adult human being. But my grandfather used to make wine in the basement of the house I grew up in, and even though he died when I was six and nobody ever did it again, there was this one room down there that reeked of red wine for ages, and I just can't get away from the association. But the fruit chases the musty basement taste away! remarkable!

Sangria is lovely. I like it red or white or pink. I like it with guava and mango and passion fruit or with apples and oranges and strawberries, with peaches and grapes, with whatever combination of fruit and wine and, occasionally, fizzy soda, you decide to put in it. So delicious!

2. any Robin of your choosing

Robins! ♥ I actually find it upsetting when people say Jason wasn't fit to be Robin, that he was too angry and violent, because I think it's bullshit. If you look at the time he was actually Robin, instead of the umpteen flashbacks after he was killed (or after he came back), you can see that yeah, he's more of a brawler than Dick, but he also had a very different upbringing and had to fend for himself instead of being a beloved only child of happily married parents. And he really loved being Robin and he was good at it, and it's not his fault that every single adult in his life failed him horribly. There's a lot of revisionist history surrounding him, and I don't even mean the original retcon of his origins or how he came back, but of his time as Robin so that the writers could be like, "see! He was always bad! He was destined for a bad end because he was a bad kid!" And that's some serious bullshit.

His book is one of the only things I'm happy about with this reboot business, because I really hope they allow him to progress beyond "Daddy doesn't love me so I'm gonna kill some bad guys to prove I'm a better Batman than he is!" I also hope they allow him to learn that Bruce did try to kill the Joker after he died, and that everyone was really broken up by his death, because I don't think he knows that, and I think that would go a long way towards helping him deal with what happened to him and how he ended up where he is.


3. the best thing you baked recently

It's been a while since I baked something new, but these vanilla bean scones were fantastic. All my co-workers thought so, too. *g* I highly recommend them.

4. Alexander

Oh, megalomaniacal world conqueror of my heart! I love his lifelong relationship with Hephaistion, and I love AU stories where they don't die young and actually get to enjoy the empire he built.

5. characters who will not do what you tell them

Bwah! I am beset with them! They do not want to have sex when I want them to, but they are totally willing to strip down and fuck when I'm trying to write gen. They keep secrets that derail storylines into things I was not expecting, and then clam up when I need to know how to get back on track again. They are so contrary! it's frustrating sometimes and exciting sometimes.


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writing: neuroses, life, memes, robins, alexander, dreams

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