'cause all i have are secrets and memories of the dark

Jun 09, 2011 11:39

Since the list post format has been so successful lately, I will just keep at it:

1. after a lot of annoyed futzing around, I finally figured out how to get this one story onto the iPad via calibre. I would feel even more triumphant, except I'm kind of embarrassed that I went to all this trouble for a story that I don't even think is very good*, except I reread it fairly frequently because it pushes certain buttons in a practically perfect way. Now to figure out how to get the long stories that aren't hosted on AO3 on there. Can I save them as html and use calibre to convert them to epub? Is that a thing that works? Enlighten me, o flist.

*or, it's fine until the sex scenes start and then it is horribly florid in a way that 1. I don't find hot and 2. I don't find in character; this isn't one I reread for the actual porn, just the emo porn.

2. otoh, it is way too easy to buy ebooks. I started out with free stuff and ended up buying four books on top of that! how did that even happen? (I mean, I know how it happened, but it can't happen again!)

3. my boss also recently purchased an iPad and she is displeased, because she can't work on it. Or, she can, but not in a way that works for her (i.e., she can't edit documents with track changes and easily save and send them with whatever she's loaded on there). I was just like, "um, but you can still read books and play games! Maybe a netbook would have been a better option for you?" She was not assuaged.

My thing is, I didn't get a Kindle (I was thinking about it) because it's black and white, and since I am suddenly a person who reads comics (though possibly not for long *gives DC the side-eye*), it seemed important to me to have a portable device on which I could read the sudden influx of digital comics I now possess. So I got it because it is shiny and I can read books and fic and comics and watch videos (and play games) on it. (I discovered after downloading zinio that I would have to subscribe separately to digital versions of magazines, or have my subscription transferred to digital, and that doesn't work for me, since the only magazine I actually subscribe to is EW and those issues live under the sink in the bathroom).

I didn't even get the 3G one because I don't care if I can get internet everywhere. (I have my phone for that.) I mostly wanted something that would let me take a bunch of books and fic and comics and selected tv episodes with me on the train/to the parents/wherever, and so far, it looks like it's going to work out for me.

Eventually, I will stop talking about it. But probably not any time soon. *g*

4. Speaking of the DC reboot thingy, I have a bunch of opinions, but as someone so new to the fandom, I don't feel comfortable going on about them, and also, I'm not really surprised at some of the stupidity. (e.g., the assertion that all the former Robins have their own titles. Really? Where's Steph's? and tangential to that, where are Cass and Helena? WHERE THE FUCK IS HUNTRESS? Ahem. and also Jaime.)

Otoh, I did get a huge laugh at Tim's new outfit. Feathers. Ha! I'm really glad I'm not particularly invested in him qua him. Otoh, I did secretly wish that his book would actually be "Red Robin and his Superboyfriend." (That I probably would have paid money for. Also, I like Kon's new ink. ♥KON♥ For the rest, I'm not really qualified to say, as the only Teen Titans I'm actually invested in as a team is the cartoon.)

5. On a completely different note, there comes a time every summer, usually in late July or early August, where I give up caring about whether the world can see my bra straps. That moment came this morning when it was 80°F at 7:30 am. I have a sweater to wear at work, but outside and on the subway platform, I am not giving a fuck.

6. I sent my sister a Bed, Bath, & Beyond gift card for her birthday this year, and they sent me a 20% off gift certificate as a first time user of their website, which I basically forgot about until I got the email reminder that it expired on 6/20. So last night, I bought two sets of new sheets and I'm excited. I haven't had new sheets in a few years. This morning I got an email from them about a sale starting today. My bad timing, ladies and gentlemen. Let me show you it.

weimar27 did podfics of my two Dean/Ellen stories: The Hour of Escape and Fear as an Aphrodisiac (The Horizontal Mambo Mix). How cool is that? SO COOL!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/333254.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, flove, capes and cowls, girl of random thoughts, podfic

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