and i will not speak to lie

Jun 06, 2011 22:23

Since I was thwarted by the MTA yesterday, and because
devildoll assured me that it was actually even slashier than people said, I went to see X-Men: First Class this evening after work, and dear god, she did not lie. There is footage of Xavier and Magneto making out somewhere. There must be, because I refuse to believe they were not totally boyfriends. And you know, it's not like McAvoy didn't say they should have sex and get married and be best friends. I totally believe he was playing it that way.

Note: this is not the time to tell me you do not ship them. I have shipped them for a long, long time.

As a movie, it's enjoyable. If you're a fan of the X-Men, in either comic or movie form, there's a lot of stuff that will make you seal-clap with glee. (Though I totally missed Stan Lee's cameo in this one. Did he even have one?)

Hank! Oh, Hank, I wanted to hug you and hit you, because you have a ginormous brain but you couldn't see that Raven needed you to love her, not her false appearance. Also, twinkies! ♥Hank♥ Now you just need Bobby to come along and be your partner in crime.

I do not understand - was Havok supposed to be Scott's dad? (Does that mean he becomes Corsair and goes into space with the Starjammers? Because there is NOTHING about the Summers family history that is not utterly HILARIOUS. Though I do not like what they did with the third Summers brother when he finally actually put in an appearance; I prefer thinking that it was a sister and that it's Buffy. I once started a story that was going to have that premise, but I never finished it.)

Also, was that Azazel dude some kind of Nightcrawler relative?

I didn't recognize the other henchman with the hurricane hands.

I feel like any points they get for making Angel a woman of color are negated multiply by the fact that they killed off the black dude, and made Angel a stripper who then betrayed them by going off with Kevin Bacon. I kept waiting for her to turn out to be a spy for the good guys and she was not.

I thought Emma's diamond effect was terrible. I didn't think January Jones was as terrible as everyone else, but I'm not really familiar with Emma from the comics.

Mystique! Oh my god, Raven, I just want to hug you and pet you and tell you that it's going to be okay, but clearly that's not going to happen. The thing about her is that she totally made the right choice - I think Erik totally appreciates her for who she is, and I think he absolutely comes to love her, though I don't think he ever loves her the way she wants/needs to be loved. It makes me sad that Charles and Hank also failed at that. I think Charles fails at that a lot, in some ways.

Otoh, I liked that they had Charles and Raven have a serious connection before either met Erik.

Also, while I don't think killing the whole human race is the answer to the mutants' problems, I don't think Charles ever came up with a compelling argument to refute Erik's points. Also, also, I like that Charles is totally complicit in Shaw's death.

Erik Lensherr, you are one BAMF, even if I find your supervillian wear hilarious. You need to make out with Charles more and try to commit genocide less. IJS. (I still think using Rogue was a punk move, but then, she is still my favorite.)

I enjoyed Moira McTaggert, though I don't think she actually shared anything with her comics counterpart except a name? I wish Charles had trusted her. It's just so skeezy to go around erasing people's memories. I understand why he did it, and I kind of like that he did, because it shows that he's not the untarnished white hat he likes to think he is, but I wish he show some self-awareness of that. his rich, white, male privilege is amazing, and I like that Erik called him on it, and will continue to call him on it forever.

Oh, Logan, never change. Except, clearly, get yourself an adamantium skeleton and lose all your memories and start mentoring teenage girls who can kill you. But other than that... *snerk* I was spoiled for your cameo, but I was surprisingly glad to see you.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I think I'm ready to start reading XMM fic again, if it is Charles/Erik (or Charles/Erik/Raven). I... I don't think I thought this day would ever come.


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