my life is a symphony composed in the key of fuck

Jun 05, 2011 16:05

Right now, I am supposed to be sitting in a darkened theatre watching Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr being boyfriends with unfortunate philosophical differences. Instead, thanks to the M66 bus going out of service and the 25 minutes it took me to finally catch a cab, plus having to go back up to 79th Street to get across the park, I did not arrive at the theatre until 3:29 pm. For the 3:15 show. Needless to say, they would not sell me a ticket.

So I am sitting here on the triangular island that separates Broadway from Columbus, because the big bookstore that used to be on the corner is closed and I have two hours to kill before the movie is over and I can meet up with harriet_spy for dinner.

Seriously, fuck my life. Or fuck the MTA anyway.

At least I have my phone and an iced coffee?

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