i'm a free man with no place free to go

May 11, 2011 11:38

Dear people from the University of Rome,

I am not the victoria p. you are looking for. Please remove me from the loop of your emails regarding scheduling finals!




I decided that even dickish hairdresser dude couldn't ruin my day yesterday because I got the latest Tiny Titans TPB and even though I'd seen scans of a lot of the stuff in it, I will never stop laughing Lex showing up unannounced at the birthday party and Superman being cranky about it. Kon and Match have two daddies! Who had a very bad breakup! Also, Lunch Lady Darkseid will never ever stop being funny. Plus, Robin Robin. Where did he get a cape that small? I draw a million sparkly hearts around all of them. Aw yeah, Tiny Titans!


The Good Wife

Man, I got really teary when Alicia confronted Kalinda, and then Kalinda broke down in the elevator. I really wish they hadn't shown those moments in the promo? But they still worked, emotionally, because the Alicia-Kalinda friendship is the strongest, best relationship on the show, or it was, anyway. And Alicia's hurt was palpable, as was Kalinda's guilt and sorrow, because Alicia is the first - only - real friend she's had and it was doomed before it started because she didn't tell Alicia about her one night stand with Peter. My heart, it breaks. And her decision to leave, but then she can't go back to work for Peter, so she has to stay... Man, we saw Kalinda both laugh and cry for the first time ever and it was just heartwrenching. And then that last scene "I've discovered I don't need to confide in anyone." Ouch. She's going to close herself off even more. I was glad to see them remember that she and Will have something of a friendly relationship, though. I have a feeling she's going to need that.

I also really loved Alicia shoving it to Jackie. What did she mean, though, "I know what went on at your house"? Was that a threat to reveal something we haven't seen? Or was it about Peter and the pastor or Zach and Becca? I am intrigued.

And I enjoyed David Lee actually being sincere and giving Alicia good advice (and charging her for it! Hee!).

I thought this was the season finale, so color me surprised when I discovered there was still one more week left! I don't know how they're going to top this episode, but I'm totally on board for the ride!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/322814.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, comics: tiny titans, tv: the good wife

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